I have no idea how many things have gone wrong with this patch, but the lag in the Crucible is worse than ever before.
Iron Banner can be described as lag free, in comparison.
The matchmaking seems to be fundamentally broken, as every lobby I am in either has at least 3 red bars, 6 yellow bars or everyone is yellow bar.
Shots take forever to register, melee charges are getting consumed, yet no damage is being dealt.
Bullets simply disappear (some call them phantom bullets).
I am getting sniped, yet no lense flare shows up (or the last 40 people are apparently the best quickscopers in Destiny).
People do not appear on the Radar, even though they aren't invisible.
Getting killed through walls is also a new favourite pastime of mine.
PvP is currently pretty broken, in terms of connection quality.
Thanks for all the replies, up votes and agreement.
It's very reassuring when a lot of people experience similar things.
Something went horribly wrong with this patch, concerning the connection quality and hit detection of melee attacks.
This has been the case for me since TTK dropped, other than iron banner I refuse to play PvP, some games I have amazing bullet reg (almost too much) and other games nothing registers and I often get killed through walls. I'd rather not play if whether I win or not comes down to whether the server is on my side or not, never played a game as bad.