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12/19/2015 11:13:23 PM
Wow can't possibly read all that. Longer than war and piece. Any way I gave them 50/50 which of course is the truth. They have the best game running. Then they are giving it all to ruin that. The new light system this round is such a grind fest it is a complete joke. Taking the grind to an eleven this round is a huge problem in the long run. now an up side. If you are a loaner you have not been left in the dust (spoken from a loaner) No excuse for not having gear they have given everyone a chance at good loot. It takes time and patience but it is there. I am a slow crawler through content so I am not burned out so there is another good thing. I completely love the crucible balance right now. The only way it would be enhanced is a simple move. Cut the special ammo by half yet again. This doesn't penalize any weapon like they have and will ever be doing it just assures that running the secondary as a primary will be a thing of the past. Problems solved. To be honest that is about it. Game is working they are finding every angle to suck money from players. They still have an easy fix right in front of them in the crucible they don't seem to take. Oh and last and honestly still a problem. Servers and lag. Quit talking about banning poor connections and such and go to dedicated servers like every other top end damn game this is kindergarten stuff here guys. We have lag and now green bar lag. etc. We are all living with it but it isn't something a game like this should be riding on.

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