So today me and my 2 friends have been trying to go 9 - 0, we went 8 - 0 and lost our last 2 games yesterday fair and square, but today Osiris is ABSOLUTELY FILLED with people lagging, out of about 15 games, at least 8 were lag switching and almost impossible to kill, therefore we've lost and had a fair few passages today. WHEN WILL THIS BE SORTED?
Report them on X1 not Destiny. That's what I do. It's getting ridiculous. We started out great tonight then started running into teams lag switching so I sat back and monitored their connections while my team told me what they were seeing. I ended up report at least 2 entire teams and 11 individuals. It's so obvious and it doesn't seem that Bungies doing anything about it. Just report for cheating and add comment lag switching.