Add [b]beards.[/b]
Add [b]facial customization feature for 50 silver[/b]. Some people would like to fix their regrets.
Give[b] all veterans 50 silver or a barber ticket.[/b]
Slightly [b]slow down TLW's rate of fire.[/b]
[b]Increase TLW's stability[/b] to make up for the weaker perks.
[b]Increase hand cannon accuracy[/b] across all range stats. [b]The First Curse should have sniper-like accuracy[/b], but no others should.
Do something about [b]shotgun range[/b]. Even at 0.2 feet my burden of proof was dealing 3's. It was unusable compared to my other shotguns.
Some of you forum crybabies might not agree with these suggestions. But really, [u]the barber shop is most important[/u]. Be sure to vote, like, and bump.
[u][i][b]STOP ASKING FOR NERFS[/b][/i][/u]