Natylee was taken quite off guard by the question. "Well... I'm many things." The Titan was still circling her with angst. "A Scholar, A Philosopher-"
The Titan stops for a second and Nat can only assume she's scowling "-okay then a better... The better question would be 'what was that'" Nat says carefully, as not to upset the Titan more.
The Titan slowly relaxes a bit more and continues her circling around Nat. "What I did was a little known way of fighting. No not fighting, more like a way of thinking that I can easily mix with fighting." The Titan still looks Unsatisfied with that answer.
"I call it Alar, it's away of thinking that allows me to bind objects and influence them with each other. If I were to bind bark to the tree to cause a fire, than that would work with absolute results and vice versa." The Titan just looks more confused
"It's uhh... Much more complicated than that, but a skilled Binder like me can bind Soap with Steel." She continues "And as for the dagger... Needless to say it only does that when I feed it energy off of something like that gas line I lit up. I could go into the workings of it but I don't have 17 years to teach you and that's ignoring my hand cannon. So then I've explained myself and I apologize for startling you, but I still don't know your name."
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