It's incredibly annoying and you can genuinely argue that it is broken. Bungie patch it immediately please!
Edit: For those saying that I am a Hunter main...I'm actually a Warlock
[spoiler]Seriously, the Garrison sounds like it would be very fun to use. But it stands out way too much.
It's all blue and shaders don't colour it. I want my Titan to wear this and look good doing so.
Please consider adding shader functionality to it.
Bait (sorry).....but seriously Bungie pls
Edit: please support the Twilight Garrison Shader Movement[/spoiler]
Edit: made this edit specifically to push the spoiler up and away from the bottom of the post in order to make it a little more visible.
I don't think some people might've saw it.
[spoiler]Edit: Here's what people are suggesting:
Vena Cava
Arctic proxy
Shimmer (SRL black and neon blue)
Blue marble
Judgment Cast
lunar elegy
Iron Banner Shaders
Double banshee (7MM-VPD-MHP)
Momentum (Paid SRL)
FWC shaders may help
Thunder devil?[/spoiler]
Edited by MEGANAUTe: 12/21/2015 2:10:06 AMwhy? Because it's annoying? Thats dumb. It's like saying trip mines are annoying. Or axium grenades are. chill out. oh, the spoiler. That was annoying too. All of it is.
Yes!!! I thought it was a warlock but it's a Titan.
This guy must main a hunter
You really can't react to the hate you are receiving like you are. In your tags, it would have been better to include #satire. But, of course, you are just making bait threads on the forums of a dying game for little kids to comment on screaming HOW DARE YOU INSULT ANYTHING ABOUT MY CLASS THAT IS OP LOL YOU MUST BE A HUNTER GIT GOOD SKRUB.
The fact that they can double spam it back to back is too much
Stop complaining about that and start complaining about hunter cloaks. Every humter cloak that came with the Taken King doesnt respond to any shader no matter howncool the shader is.
Edited by EmotionalSupportWarlock: 12/21/2015 2:04:52 AMThe replies to this post more than prove how dumb this community is... And that reading is a thing of the past.
I main a Hunter and u think Twilight Garrison is f*coming broken! I mean, seriously. Titans are people too! Titans deserve to look cool with their exotics! Twilight Garrison sucks! In all seriousness, I think it looks dumb, but it's a fine exotic.
Edited by HCDrifter1024: 12/21/2015 1:59:58 AMOP is incredibly annoying and must be put in his place soon. Please fix this bungie! [spoiler]be warned, if bungie doesn't read the spoiler, they will nerf it. [/spoiler]
Hahahaha I think everybody is too scared to open spoilers with all the people ruining Star Wars. Made so apparent with this post. Can't believe all the people that don't realise this is about the colour lol
I agree. Make an item with a color scheme that doesn't match any shader in the game. Needs a color patch
I was doing kings fall and was with a titan using TG. He claimed he kept dying because the adds lock on to players that have ugly armor. I support the Twilight Garrison shader movement. It's not fair to titans for this broken mechanic.
Edited by EDIMAHMEY: 12/21/2015 2:02:20 AMBlaming took it
Yup one of many broken in similar ways. I mean if capes don't respond to shaders like at all what are we to do?
I'm a hunter main and I disagree. Its about time titans become better in pvp.
Did anyone even bother opening the spoiler?
It's scary how many people didn't read the entire thing hahaha
Awe you should just be a hunter.. Apologies on warlocks out there this one got loose and thinks he is a warlock when he really is a hunter X'D cry baby.
I main all three characters. The Garrison is fine. It's not invicible and you can't shoot while boosting. Movement like this is what Destiny needed. Watch any form of competitive entertainment from sports to fighting games and you'll see that the more people move, the more interested onlookers will be.
"The Twilight Garrison Needs To Be Changed.[b] I Don't Care What You Titans Say[/b]" And we don't care what you say either.
Edited by Sainyule: 12/21/2015 1:00:15 AM[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Y'all need to read the spoiler. [b][][][][/b]
Op is fgt
Ignore this salty warlock. He is one with osiris and does not belong
Hey which one of you broke the record again!?
They should change the weird pointy nipples that poke out when you walk