originally posted in:The Roleplay League
He laughs at that,
"Unusual? You should see what the Tower Barkeep serves me."
[i]She finally cracks a small smile, not for long but enough to lighten the mood.[/i] R " did you really just come down here to haul my ass back out of here.?"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/20/2015 9:35:56 PMHe has the grace to at least look sheepish, and he scratches his head as he speaks "Actually, yes. I mean, the Vanguard is always issuing orders, but... I mean, between Lake and, well, you, I couldn't pass it up." He composes himself a little bit before speaking again, "I've heard rumors about some kind of conflict between two rogue Guardians, both old friends of mine. Aries, whose friend just dropped you, and Erik, someone I haven't seen in a long time. I have a feeling that whatever knowledge you collected about Lake will be important. You were close to Lake, weren't you? I can see it in your face when I mention him."
[i]Thats a wound that hasn't healed, and she feels sick ,she doesn't even know where to start .[/i] R " Let's just say he saved my life, and when it came my turn to return the favour I hesitated, and he ended up like that, what he is now is my fault, and I need to fix it."
Not knowing what to say, Ginger merely gives a look of understanding before he continues, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to reopen any old wounds, but I have to say this. Whatever kindness or affection Lake showed you is your business, but that Lake is gone, forever. His body hosts a mind that was not the one you know, and he will try to kill us all. To truly pay Lake back for all the kindness he has shown you, we must end this." A steely look replaces the morose features on his face, "And that is why we're going to kill Aries."
[i]She shakes her head, [/i] " Where were you when Aries attacked the city?"
"Lying dead in the Martian wastes, killed by a Taken Lieutenant. I had been cornered for a few days, holed up in this old skyscraper as my ammo slowly disappeared against the hordes. Finally, they sent that... Knight thing, and that was the end of me." He chuckles a little, and his dropship appears overhead, "I got that bastard back though. A lightning grenade down the throat is usually fatal. My ghost revived me a few weeks later, and, well, by then Aries was old news. Still, Aries and I go even further back, way further back, but that's a story for another time." He deploys his ghost, and gets ready to teleport to his ship
[i]She looks at him, cold and expressionless, as though something has broken inside.[/i] "I stood and watched from a few blocks away, right before Hunger took an interest in me. I've replayed it a thousand times, I've seen the same people die a thousand times while we all stood there helpless like newborns , and I am so very tired." [i] She stares at the ground[/i] " If your right and there is no getting Lake back then killing Aries won't make the blind bit of difference , and I will still need to finish this. I'll come as far as the city I need some fresh booze, after that I don't think I can help you,my ticket only goes one way unfortunately, [i] she chuckles grimly.[/i] "No return trip for me and Zen, ain't that right." [i] Her ghost pops up[/i] " Despite my attempts to convince her otherwise it would seem so. " [i]His tone resigned but it softens as he turns to her. [/i] " It's alright Ro , I'll be with you all the way , I'm sure it'll be a hell of a trip."
[spoiler]Sorry, my notifications are broken[/spoiler] Ginger grins, and his legs begin to disappear as he's slowly transmitted onto his ship, "A helluva trip indeed Ro."
[i]Zen does the honours and she dematerialises appearing on Jester ( Laughing behind your back) Ro starts up the thrusters and switches on the comms.[/i] R " So tower? Or you have someplace else in mind?"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/26/2015 4:48:34 PMGinger activates the comms on his ship; a rusty Arcadia class in need of repair, and after a brief burst of static, replies, "Damn commslink... Yeah, Tower sounds fine to me." [spoiler]Alright, notifications work again. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] lol it's ok [/spoiler] " ok I could probably do with getting a months worth of sand out of my hair, then I am going to get very very drunk, I warn you now"
The Arcadia's engines roar to life, rather noisily, as Ginger activates the slipspace drive, "Sounds like a plan Ro. I probably need a shower too."
[i] Ro knocks off the jesters thrusters once she breaks orbit, starting to cycle the warp drive until she gets the signal and it lurches into the slipstream. Moments later earth comes into view and she cycles the warp core down again . Flipping the comms:[/i] " Am I still with you Ginger?"
A few seconds later, the jumpship comes out of slipspace to a jarring halt. Ginger can be heard cursing faintly before he replies, "Damn ship. Yeah, I'm with you. Wanna check in at the Tower, or do you have somewhere else in mind?"
[i]She starts up the jesters thrusters,[/i] " If you need rations or parts I suggest the tower if not I would rather go home, got a place, but its on the edge of the deadzone so there isnt anything else,"
His ship angles slightly to adjust to your path, "Nah, this piece of shit will probably last the journey there. Your place sounds cozy, let's give that a try."
" Ok, just follow me in , and dont shoot the locals i have a working agreement with the Eliskni here."
"Cool just follow me in ,oh a3d ,dont shoot any of the local Elinski, I hav a working relationship with them."r [i]She pulls Jester into å hard lelft bank and . into steep decline, after å couple of minutes She activates the autopilot,.then dematerialises, reappearing on the surface[/i]
Ginger dematerializes in a flurry of light soon after, and grudgingly puts his gun away at the mention of friendly Eliksni. "Alright, I trust you. Where to now?"
[i] she nods behind him, there sits the bottom section of an unfinished colony ship, the door however sat 15' in the air.[/i] " Just a minute " [i] Ro walks toward the ship , turning into a vapour she finds a shadow melting into it she disappears , the door swings open and a platform drops to about 6' from the floor .[/i] "You should manage that yeah?" [i]Ro reappears in her usual form.[/i]
He looks up at the doorway, the top of his head peaking just over the ledge. He kicks off of the ledge, and then uses a boost to thrust him over the outcropping and into the doorway, "I suppose so. Nice place you've got here Ro."
[i]wait til you see the inside, me and the Eliksni did most of it. As he enters he see's a floor has been laid half way up inside the massive circular construct[/i][i] so the area appeared as a large dome to the left was the den three worn but clean sofas sat with a makeshift coffee table. On the right near the front weapons and storage , back right a makeshift galley,[/i] R " there is a shower and beds up the back" [i]as she pulls the ramp up and closes the door[/i] R " give me a second I will start the generator and you can have a hot shower, what do you want to drink , I have real vodka but the scotch and tequila is synthetic, will still knock you sideways tho"
[i]Wow...[/i] Ginger looks around, clearly impressed by the dwelling. Internally he thinks about how much more comfortable this place is than his bunk in the Tower, especially because it had its own selection of drinks. He had been sober for way too long... "Thank you, Vodka sounds great. Oh, but you should probably take a shower before me; ladies first, after all."
[i]She grins running her hand through her cropped hair sand still shaking loose.[/i] " yeah not to mention I need it more than you, zen lose my armour. [i] the sound of dematerialisation is interrupted[/i] " ....... Just the god damn armour for Christ sake, company!" [i]Zen appears as Ro walks away shaking her head, zipping over to Ginger [/i] " my apologies, habit" [i]he disappears [/i] [i] After about 15 min Ro pads back through in a hoody and shorts, drying her hair which turns out to be almost white. She pours a couple of drinks puts them on the coffee table and collapses on a sofa [/i] " dry towels in there" [i]she points to where she just came from.[/i]
He nods, and says thanks before grabbing the towel and walking upstairs. There, he looks around the bathroom to start running the water, and after a peevish look for any peepholes, begins transmatting his clothes off of him. The shower would be nice and warm, hopefully.