Before checking:
Op is...
>a whinny warlock
>a whinny Hunter
>an elitist Hunter
>3 warlocks
Let me check...
I was wrong \_( :/ )_/ OP is not fgt
Pfft, so far Warlocks are the least whiniest class. Don't be absurd!
Year one wise? Not really.
I think not. We were happy with our supers because everyone needed us for cheese.
Never for your own supers, no. But why does everyone act like the Hunter-Warlock War never happened? Now it's Titans against everybody, but Year One was full of trash.
Ssh. What you speak of never happened. Nobody pretends.
Lol, okay then bud.
I personally feel ashamed whenever I see a fellow warlock whine.
>Check spoiler
you forgot trolling
I'm serious though. I want to see a change. I want this exotic to look as good as it performs.
I agree