Alright so here's a list of all the things that Bungo neeeeeeeds to nerf. Crucible can't be balanced without nerfing these:
Exotic Gun Nerfs
Mida: too balanced
TLW: too much hip fire accuracy
Red Death: too much health returned
NLB: snipers are secondaries not primaries
Bad Juju: getting super back is op as hell
Hawkmoon: LitC gives too much damage increase
First Curse: the perk works now... Break it again
Tlaloc: shoots too fast
Ace of Spades: firefly is op and should be removed
Fabian Strategy: also shoots too fast
Zhalo: arc burst happens too often
Hard Light: bouncing bullets bounce too much
ToM: doesn't hurt you enough
Boolean Gemini: idk just nerf it
NTtE: full auto makes it shoot too fast
Suros: spinning up shoots too fast
Jade Rabbit: too much range
Hereafter: blinding procs too often
Chaperone: headshot damage too op
Telesto: void is an op damage type... change it
BS: Change to African American Spindle (racism)
Invective: ammo shouldn't regenerate
4th Horseman: shoots too fast as well
Plan C: charges too fast
Dragons Breath: mini nukes too op
Truth: Tracking needs to be removed
Thunderlord: fires too fast
Sleeper Sim: does too much damage
SGA: too much ammo
Raze-Lighter: uppercut needs nerf
Bolt-Caster: arc disc needs nerf
Dark-drinker: spin move needs nerf
Subclass Super Nerfs:
Golden gun: one shot not okay
Void Bow: one hit not okay; stops other supers
Bladedancer: two melees to kill is op
Sunbroken: yeah
Fist of panic: can't kill person using it
Bubble: lasts too long
Storm caller: lasts too long; hurts too much
Sunsinger: too many grenades
Voidwalker: generally too op
Miscellaneous Nerfs/Glitches:
Guns do damage please fix
Exotics have exclusive perks that gives them an advantage please fix
Snipers can one shot headshot
Shotguns can one shot bodyshot
Fusion rifles range is too far
Rocket launchers one shot also
Bungo please read and implement these nerfs. The crucible will never be balance without them
I'll be waiting...
Good point well put.