Always all noobs in my team when I play CRUCIBLE.
I cannot do my adventures because I always get as teammates the worst players I have ever known.
They don't take the heavy ammo, they are used to exit the game when we are loosing, they don't revive their allies (and don't let be revived)... Their K/D ratio is never greater than 0'5. Never win a game by their own, I always must be the one who carry the match, my game and theirs.
I am terribly frustrated and have lost the joy of this game mode. Its awful.
I think the matchmaking balances the teams but I AM NOT A GOOD PLAYER.
Sometimes it looks like Bungie is trolling me.
[b]Has someone experienced the same?[/b]
Excuse my english, this is not my native language.
Edited by DasRipper: 12/20/2015 9:28:08 PMTake time off of destiny and go take a english class, God damn.