"It'll happen one day..."
"With my help it'll happen sooner rather than later!"
"I don't want help. Thanks for offering though. Anyway, off to the moon for me."
"To the moon? Why's that?"
"Need more helium filaments. You a nightsalker? I could use help."
"Looks like I'm tagging along then" He smiles and moves closer "Lead the way boss!"
"Okay. To the moon."
"I like it when you say that"
"Really?" She says in orbit.
"Yup, it's cute! Now how do I join you without a ghost?"
"Hm... Maybe you shouldn't..."
"No! I WILL come with you!"
"I don't know... If you die. It'll be for good."
"I'm a hunter...we don't die we just run away!"
"Ugh." She came down to the tower and used a transmit to get him in her ship.
"Hey, this is a pretty nice ship...for a pretty nice lady"
"Stop..." She said, setting coordinates for the moon.
"Stop what?" He playfully jabs your shoulder
"Nothing... Nevermind."
"Thanks Lilenth!" He hugs you then releases you
"Okay... Don't do that again."
"Here we go." They descended and landed on the moon.
"Just touched down and there's already some here!" He sprints over to some helium coils
Lilanth ran over to him and collected the filaments. "I'll check caves for chests."