originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"How about we go farm spinmetal?" Autumn said, still blushing.
His smile began to fade, he wasn't going to make her do what she didn't want to do "okay.......let's go."
She took them to orbit and headed towards the cosmodrome.
He still felt like he screwed up in some way. The two landed in the first spawn area.
"Darn. No spinmetal near here."
His ghost scaned the area "nearest spinmetal is in the rocket yard.."
"Where's the nearest place, besides the Rocketyard?"
"Possibly......in the cave system below us."
"Caves? Why haven't I ever been down there?"
"Its where those hive majors always spawn." Duvanix headed for the entrance to the cave system
Autumn followed, getting her plan C out.
"Found some!" He had his ghost light up the spinmetal cluster
Autumn smiled and grabbed the spinmetal. "Spinmetal is winmetal," she murmured.
"Hey, can I ask you something......it's about Eve."
"Oh yeah, what?"
"Well, was she your and Vapors child? I've been curious to know for a long time now........i dont mean to piss you off im just curious."
"You mean like I'm her biological parent?"
"Yeah......thats what I mean."
Edited by Varlerie: 12/20/2015 11:11:57 PM"How stupid are you? I'm 17, she's 10!"
"Im very stupid, I noticed just now and it was too late to say anything....."
Edited by Varlerie: 12/20/2015 11:20:20 PM"I f[b][/b]ucked an idiot last night..."
"Oh come on! Im not a complete idiot...... I just ask stupid questions."
"Sure... Anyway, why would you even think that?"
"Well........I um.....kinda knew that you guys liked eachother alot and I saw the kid, and without thinking I asked that question."
"I liked- no, loved Vapor since I knew what love was. But... He never really loved me back."
"Yeah......you do know he was destined to break your heart, right?"