originally posted in:The Roleplay League
I take out my knife, "Your gonna need a replacement!" I quickly cut of his hand before the infection can spread.
"OWWW!!!! Well, my hand was really malfunctioning to begin with. Ghost?" Ghost regenerates a new hand for Wo-8888. "Now what else is wrong with this goop?"
"Well first I should introduce myself, Jäger-33 Exo hunter. That goop just appeared there and so far nothing has happened. Just sits there and sits there. Warlocks continue to study it and so far still don't know how it got here. At least taken aren't coming out of it."
"I'm Wo-8888, Exo Titan." He throws his Taken hand into the goop, and it dissapates. "We need something to ward off any other random Guardians who were curious. Like I was..."
"I could re-program one if the cleaning bots, give it a gun, and have it patrol the area warning others not to touch."