Why is everyone so butt hurt about oryx challenge mode? People saying that ogres telport and bombs not going off etc...
Ogre teleporting is a clipping bug due to the stagger animation clipping with tge rocks and bombs, sure its a bug but no one complained when the bugs worked for them (cough, Atheon off the edge,) just make sure platform people are pulling their weight and throw a grenade and a few bullets thereway as well.
Bombs not going off is just someone failing to kill their knight and not wanting to admit it... Sorry. That's it. Nothing more to it.
Imagine if your groups been working hard to pull it off and you messed up and let you knight swallow an orb stack... You wouldn't want to admit it either.
Just... Get good guys.
Challenge mode is challenging... Who would have thought?
Op is one the lucky ones who hasn't had to deal with the raids many bugs. I beat the oryx challenge mode after several groups and rng not damning my last group with bugs.