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12/21/2015 5:53:44 AM
Heres my take on whats going on in destiny now, pretty shitty really. DLC now will now be a yearly event instead of on a three month cycle. So this basically tells u they need more time to create this new content, as they have run out of content from the base game to cut out and sell to use in 3 month installments. Which leads one to asume that all the previous dlc's were in fact already done and in the origanal game but then cut out and sold to us as separate installments. So to make up for having no more content to exploit for strictly monetary gain they have implemented microtransactions. This helps them with a steady cash flow thus far was only made by dlc purcheses. There will never be free dlc. These microtransactions are for just revenue and revenue alone for bungie and activision. They will give u lack luster events with really no substance as content untill the release of new content in fall 2016. These events are just mediocre events to buy them through because they have no content to release because there is no more parts to cut out of the base game. I believe that micro transactions in destiny will never really overly be pay to win but I feel people are looking at what destiny is using microtransactions for on the wrong manner. They are using them as a way to keep revenue up as there is no content to put out. This is how u explain emotes and other random garbage being up to 5 dollars a pop and the 35 dollar price tag for ramping up ur character to lvl 25. There doing whatever they can to keep up the revenue because there IS NO NEW CONTENT!!!. Don't think of this as a consumer/gamer, think of these things I said as a buisness owner and u will see my point and there tactics quite clearly

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