Perseus looked over. "That's some old-ass armor you got there, hun." The way he talked was more friendly. "Aren't you still on probation?"
"Yeah. I've been trying to get the newer model of this armor" [b]her voice is stern and full of confidence but also friendly[/b]
Edited by The Arxfiend: 12/21/2015 10:16:20 PM"Aria, your ship left a while back. You're lucky I caught the records before someone else did. Not everyone with my rank is as relaxed as I am." It was odd, This man seemed to know not only her name, and that she had been on probation, but that her ship left unauthorized. "You're going to get caught one day."
"But not any time soon"
"I already caught you, and I'm the lazy one. Anything to drink?"
"Sure." [b]she takes off her helmet and her ghost transmatts it away[/b]
"Anything specific?"
A warlock walks in "hey aria" and fills up the guys drink. "I got a job as part time".
Perseus snaps and slides over a few cubes of glimmer. In return, the bartender slides two glasses back. He hands one to Aria. "So what exactly did you do in the first place?"
"I pushed a hunter who was hitting on me who I really didn't like off of a cliff in old russia"
"Aria" places a new iron banner chest plate on the counter. "Got this but don't need it so here. A payment for before." Sits behind bar and pours a drink and sips.
"Understandable," he sayd. "I've pushed a few off myself."
"He survived but him being a little bitch about it he told the vanguard and now I'm stuck in the tower"
"Sucks. But not all of us cloaked are bad."
"But you're egos could use some work"
Edited by The Arxfiend: 12/21/2015 11:07:22 PM"Says the floof," he jokes, gently attempting to punch her arm.
He places his hand on her shoulder. "It's what we call glide among us older guardians."
"Oh I see"
He withdraws his hand. "So how long ago were you brought back?"
"About 3 or 4 years ago"
"Was it confusing?"