Tired of the endless search for a clan that isn’t dead or full of members that don’t play anymore? Well Shadows and Wolves is alive and growing in numbers.
Shadows and Wolves is an Xbox One clan focused on gathering and helping adult players who are tired of LFG or playing alone. Our main focus is PVE raiding and questing. We also engage in PVP when events are up. IE Iron Banner/Sparrow Racing.
Our first goal is to encourage teamwork and camaraderie. You should never have to go LFG while in a clan.
Weekly Raids/Events are posted in the clan forum for everyone to sign up for.
Member Requirements:
- Set Shadows and Wolves as your active Xbox clan
- Participate in a minimum of 1 scheduled event per week
- Be active in the forums
- 18 years or older
- Follow the code of conduct
- Voice capability is required.
Code of Conduct:
- Respect your clan mates.
- No racial discrimination or inappropriate language
- No advertising for other clans or excessive spamming on our group wall
Check us out, click on the link! [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1306978[/url]
Recruitment Open again
Awesome Clan!! don't miss out on all the fun!!
Great clan come join us folks
Recruitment has reopened! Looking for about 15 players before closing doors again.
looking for a clan i all 3 characters are 315 plus looking for a clan,im happy go lucky i enjoy helping people its good fun. mainly a raider usually sherpa people through i was in a clan not long ago it just disbanded no idea why. not a big fan of lfg so its the clan life for me
Doors closing soon.
I'm looking for an active clan. I don't get on every day but a couple times a week. I'm 30, a new dad. I have a 300 warlock and a 289 hunter. Played destiny since day 1. Not really into PvP but love PvE and raiding
I would like to join a clan like this having fun whilst leveling up. How would I go about trying to join? (Still new to the whole clan experience)
Bump... we're nice ppl, come join us!!
Edited by Osmosis1212: 1/1/2016 2:20:46 AM
Recruitment will be closing soon. Check us out before its to late.
I would really like to be apart of this clan . Need a group that can raid throughout the week off & on . I'm mature fun , great team player, good attititude & good sense of humor. Too .
Sent request to join. 319 titan, hunter, warlock
Do you like to play destiny faded(high) and would you like to play with other people who are faded then ILL PROPHECY is the clan for you. Just request an invite to the clan. This clan will be open to both Xbox users and playstation users.
Some great ppl over and always someone running something. Come join the fun
Looking to join a clan I've been on destiny since release. Looking for a raiding team and a good team for crucible also in the clan. Drsuicideachu89
Come join us. We regularly run raids, strikes, PvP etc.. Always somebody available to help with things.
Seems like a good clan, me and my gf are trying to find a clan that is active and does raids often so we can get our light levels up. Gamer tag is above.