Mine is Just Cause 3 and Fallout 4 after Christmas
Going for the big head gun today. ......I will update u on any new developments
I just need 64 more subs to hit 200 plz anyone help a brotha out
Halo, battlefield 4, and rainbow 6 especially, its a blast with friends.
Halo, Fallout, Ori, Uncharted. In that order. Currently about halfway through Uncharted 3.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
Playing all the other games I was missing out on. Not going back. It's not worth it. -
You have a good voice for YouTube. Hope you do well :)
Well at first nothing, and nothing was better than Destiny for a little while. Now, Rainbow 6 for sure
Hope u guys watch the special video im making today it's gonna be great ;)
Halo 5 Fallout 4 Star Wars: Battlefront, lol
Just realized this got moved to #gaming lmao
Edited by Occhi07: 1/13/2016 3:11:34 PMI dont have internet so fallout 4, syndicate, and I'm playing Witcher 3 now
Ark and Fallout
What up
Rainbow Six: Siege. It's easily best multiplayer game of 2015 for me. No contest honestly. Although it isn't perfect, because Ubisoft can't get their shit servers together, I still genuinely enjoy the game.
Hat fortress 2
Metal Gear Solid V
Fallout 4 and then a Girlfriend.
Fallout 4, couldn't be any better this year in gaming imo
I got bored and went back to Battlefield 4
nothing. i just stopped playing games for about a month
Fallout4, just cause 3 and black ops 3.
Warframe on PC.