Mine is Just Cause 3 and Fallout 4 after Christmas
Going for the big head gun today. ......I will update u on any new developments
I just need 64 more subs to hit 200 plz anyone help a brotha out
Fallout 4, love it
Diablo 3 and Skyrim for right now.
( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ --)
Rainbow Six Siege Soon to be Divison
Wating... And waiting... It will came one day... And I'll be there when the moment arrive You will hear a whisper in the air... [spoiler]The Division [/spoiler]
Hopefully the division
Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider.
MC, GTA, BO3, FO4, and pornhub
Minecraft lol
Heroin Hero
Nothing has really replaced Destiny for me but I find I am playing it less after all my weekly activities are done. I dab in 2k and Forza 6 for the time being. I have bought BO3 and Halo 5 but they have dissapointed me...
More time at the gym
I bought an elite and have been playing the shit out of Skyrim
More destiny.
Going to play cod,league of legends,and world of warcraft
Edited by ol R3APER lo: 12/22/2015 4:00:52 AMFallout. Got on destiny sometime this week for the challenge and then I said f*** this same ol s*** just for an emblem and got off right away.
Fallout 4, i already beat the main story and pretty much dont have anything to do on it, yet even so i havent played destiny in days.
Real life
Destiny : The Taken King
Gears of war 3
I'm getting both of those. So excited. Right now playing batman arkham knight
Battlefront and some older games