So I sit down with you at a restaurant. You order a filet, quite a delicious cut of meat. Then, comes the most important question of the meal: How would you like that cooked? You answer...
I'm thinking:
[spoiler]This person is either disgusting, or doesn't get the concept of food. [/spoiler]
I'm thinking:
[spoiler]Okay, this person likes to live life on the edge. They are most likely either an experienced steak eater, or they may be trying to impress. [/spoiler]
[u]Medium rare[/u]
I'm thinking:
[spoiler]This person really knows their steak. I'll most likely get along well with this person. You are a fun person, but
Not stupid. [/spoiler]
I'm thinking:
[spoiler]This person may be getting assimilated to the life of rarer steak. Or, they are a person who enjoy having fun, but tries to stick close to the sidewalk if you know what I mean. [/spoiler]
[u]Medium well[/u]
I'm thinking:
[spoiler]This person is 100% bullshit. They really want a well done steak, but are trying not to look like wimps, and failing, because medium well is far from living on the edge. [/spoiler]
Well done:
[spoiler]*stands up*
*leaves restaurant*[/spoiler]
Thanks for reading guys, and please don't get offended by this post. It was meant for fun.