I'm sorry, I might go into a bit of a rant here.
But I've been noticing a trend recently where in every party I join there is at least one and usually multiple people telling tall tails about how high they are.
Now honestly, I don't care that you use whatever. Some of the people I regularly play with do some type of drug or another.
What baffles me is how some people tend to think they're somehow badasses for having the ability to pop a pill in their mouths. Nobody cares that it's "legal in your state". I'm from holland, do you think we go around advertising our drug use to every random person we meet? Not only does it make you look kind of dumb, but do you even realize there's also younger kids playing this game that might actually think it's kinda cool that you get to stay home all day, smoke weed and play video games while you're ignoring your crying child in the background?
I hate to be that guy, but damn, show some dignity.
[spoiler]Ninja Edit: Moved to Destiny.[/spoiler]
My only drug is Jesus
Sure my name has 420 in it and may turn some of you away but that's because I thought this name was funny. But basically [i]if you can't raid high you shouldn't raid at all.[/i] I'm a hardcore player. I've done everything in the game. I have a positive kd in crucible. I go flawless every week. And I do the challange modes. I do this all while smoking pot. Bc I work 9 hours a day busting my ass cooking food for a mediocre 4 star restaurant. When I get off damn right I'm #420blazing. Sure some kids are ignorant and it may annoy you that they cough in the mic and brag about them being high. But don't let kids like that ruin your perspective of drugs. Don't play with kids. Honestly the war on drugs have caused way more deaths than any OD ever has. I have no hate towards OP he is in titled to his own opinion. But I would never raid with someone like you. [spoiler]I'd rather play with a stoner then a fatass kid breathing in the mic or a little brat yelling at his mom for food.[/spoiler] Don't drink and raid tho.
Edited by The_Salty_Clam: 12/23/2015 7:41:15 PMPeople that use drugs are low life scum that contribute nothing to society. You guys are seriously so easy.
I have plenty of good friends that smoke it but I never have, not interested. I also find it quite sad and annoying when I hear or read those who do smoke, "bragging" about doing it. If it's your thing, cool, you do it. But don't expect people who have made a conscious decision [b]not[/b] to do it to be impressed.
I did a weed and died the next day. So high 420
Welcome to the current meta of our generation
i hit bowls while i play and i turn my mic off if there are kids in the fireteam or party. Takes 2 seconds, simple. I know that new smokers can be really annoying because their so excited about it and they think their bout that culture but just let them have their fun...their usually kids around 17-20 years old...it shouldn't bother you this much. With that said, no one should be bragging about how high they are in front of little kids in any context really...thats just distasteful and stupid.
When I stopped getting lean I realised how lame destiny is.
Then don't play with them. It's that simple
100 percent of people that drink water die.
Hold on guys don't summon Oryx, I need to shoot up some weed.
I've been sober for a few years now. Everyone has their vice. To each their own
Rant feeling is mutual. I used to go pretty heavy duty into drugs but I never imposed my drug usage nor behavior on those who weren't on my same tip. To each their own, but your own better not phuck with mine. People too busy boasting about their smoking and getting plastered typically tend to hold back teams. When I have the chance to control the situation.... ''Start Menu > roster > boot fireteam member''
Edited by Mr Biscuits1999: 12/23/2015 6:38:51 PMWho pops pills while playing destiny lol...? "Hey guys I'm popping ecstasy before the raid!!"
I took dregs.
Edited by Nimue: 12/23/2015 2:50:57 PMI played with people who were talking about how they were smoking weed the other night. Im a recovering addict and on probation so i have the urge to smoke all the time but cant if i wanna stay out of prison. Hearing this kind of stuff really triggers me and makes me uneasy. They didnt know this i just stopped talking completely it just sucked. It seems so cool up until you get srrested and destroy your life. Then its not so badass anymore For the record im not addicted to weed its something else but i used to smoke religiously all day everyday and stopping that was extremely hard for me. I actually have the urge to smoke more than i have the urge to do the other stuff
If people actually got this, they would see the point. Nobody gives a -blam!- what you do. You don't need to announce it and act like a kid about it. No better than these kids on 420, omg get high. I don't announce when I'm doing something. Nobody cares what I do. Hit your bowl and game on.
Ha ha imagine taking a pill be4 a raid Wed be on Oryx and I'd be telling 5 random people I love them .
I used to do Roxys while playing Halo 3.. I nodded out too many times to remember and woke up to some pissed off teammates constantly. Smoked weed for a long time too. Eventually, I grew up and cut all that shit out. Kids are going to make their decisions no matter what they hear online or see on TV. Odds are they'll cave to peer pressure like many others, and it won't be because they raided with some guy who was ripping a bowl.
Am I the only person that plays better after smoking a bowl?
You sound like you would be really fun at a party /s That is the exact reason why i play with friends and not random people, so i dont have to deal with people like you who think they are so high and mighty bc they want to protect the "children". Maybe you should let people do what they want and leave the parenting (you know teaching kids what to do and what not to do) to the kids actual parents. They are the ones that should be keeping track of who theit own -blam!-ing kid is playing with.
TLDR was busy smoking weed
Edited by ManOfNiel: 12/23/2015 7:45:33 PMIt strikes me how far off some of the replies I'm reading are. I'm not trying to take your drugs away from you, relax. Nor am I judging anyone for taking whatever they want to use. I'm merely trying to call attention to the notion that it might not be something you should proudly be promoting on the web (and therefore in Destiny), in hopes that at least some of you will take that into consideration. If you want to respond to that unintelligently, that's your call I guess.. Luckily I've read a lot of cool replies from players that seem to understand what I'm getting at as well, and why I chose to call attention to this particular topic. Thanks!
Lmao I smoked my wax pen and play and I'm better than most people
Hey hey hey , smoke weed everyday.
Unfortunately this is too true, and one of the main reasons I don't feel like I'll be letting my kids play games online for a very long time, which sucks for them, as most games are going that way. You can always just try to make them feel stupid, by drawing attention to dumb or mundane things you are doing, as if they make you cool or a bad ass. E.g., "Man, that excedrin is really starting to work bro! That there is some good stuff! I'm gonna have to take another hit of this tall glass of water though, gimme a minute." "That water is primo, dude." "Hey guys, I have a friend that knows a guy, and he says he can get us access to some awesome stuff you can't even buy here... It's called gelato, and you can get it left and right in Italy and it is 3x more potent than the ice cream you can find here dude." "You can't even use it properly in a float, because you gotta take that high quality stuff straight man."