I'm sorry, I might go into a bit of a rant here.
But I've been noticing a trend recently where in every party I join there is at least one and usually multiple people telling tall tails about how high they are.
Now honestly, I don't care that you use whatever. Some of the people I regularly play with do some type of drug or another.
What baffles me is how some people tend to think they're somehow badasses for having the ability to pop a pill in their mouths. Nobody cares that it's "legal in your state". I'm from holland, do you think we go around advertising our drug use to every random person we meet? Not only does it make you look kind of dumb, but do you even realize there's also younger kids playing this game that might actually think it's kinda cool that you get to stay home all day, smoke weed and play video games while you're ignoring your crying child in the background?
I hate to be that guy, but damn, show some dignity.
[spoiler]Ninja Edit: Moved to Destiny.[/spoiler]
If you don't care if someone is doing drugs and you don't want to hear neglected children screaming you can simply mute that individual. If you do that there won't be a need to cry on the forums like a little bitch.
You are Dutch? You don't think Holland makes a big noise about drugs? Have you been to England, as we are getting different messages from your tourist board :)
Other people opinion are the reason I keep my drug use to myself. Not everybody needs or wants to know I've just smoked a joint or how high I might be.
Some people have to smoke weed because doctors refuse to give them any pain meds knowing they would have to be on them for the rest of their lives. I had an accident that caused me to be paraplegic and I have extremely bad back and nerve pain. I can't even get out of bed most days because it's so bad. Weed works wonders for my appetite and mood also. I truly believe it's a gift from God for people who need it.
Isn't everyone in Holland a heroine addict?
Everyone I play with seems to bubble every few min lol
Pills are disgusting. Ill stick to my buds ,wax and my lsd thank you very much
Everyone chiiiill, yooo chill! Chill chill Relaaaax ;)
Edited by SolarCerberuS: 12/23/2015 2:21:48 AMUnfortunately this is the world we live in drug users are not badasses they are dumbasses not so much recreational weed smokers (better than tobacco smoke nonetheless I still dont do it) but the other harder crap is for losers If you cannot enjoy life without that crap you might aswell not be here. I live in Australia where the use of ice is rampant Id even come as close to say every second teenager gets on this shit and it screws their lives up but until the government pulls its head out the sand and starts issuing life sentencing for drug manufacture/dealing nothing will change.
Don't know who you party up with but when i'm high, I NEVER tell anyone. Too in my own zone lol. But honestly the people you were with were probably hungry for attention.....
How do people play destiny when they're smoking a joint? All I wanna do is hit the pillow
Was he referring to percs when he said popping pills?
I get so irritated when someone starts coughing into the mic because they are smoking weed. I've never understood why people like weed so much. I've smoked it a few times and eaten it a few times. All it ever does is put me to sleep.
Love how the dude making the bubbling noises is usually the dude who: Is extremely good Or extremely bad!
Edited by Maniac Survivor: 12/23/2015 9:49:35 AMThis is mute heaven.
OP used the word baffle?
Cocaine is a hellova drug
I actually just had a guy like that in a party I was in. Screaming baby in the background while mom and dad are ripping the bong yelling at each other.
destiny is a drug itself lol
I don't mind if people smoke weed or whatever. What is annoying to me is the projection of your insecurities by having to advertise how high you are bro. Also, if it affects your gameplay, even more annoying.
I agree completely. People need to realize that it doesn't make you cool. Especially if you are ignoring you child and/or spouse. But if you get your shi* taken care of and THEN partake, more power to Ya for being responsible. But still just do it and enjoy it, don't brag [spoiler]some potheads really give us stoners a bad rap[/spoiler]
That behavior is to be expected as it goes along with the laid back nature and culture of habitual drug use/users. It fits perfectly into their behavioral criteria, generally speaking [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Are you high?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
Tall tales? Or are we talking about a tail that happens to be tall?
Seems like every team I get from lfg has one or more players high. Some guys can handle it, some get slow as hell. I only care if it negatively affects the team's success.
Eh, it's kid stuff. Who cares. Most people grow out of it, and those that don't end up 40 year old loners with no career or future.
Destiny is Fantasy Drugs is fantasy They go well together