While they're engaged in any activity they are both having and not having fun playing the game. Not until the random rewards are given do they actually know which was the real case.
EDIT: Kage Goomba, your idea of not opening the box is a good one. How about calling the error message when a person gets kicked to orbit [b]just befor[/b]e finishing an activity -- "Schrödinger's Cat"?
This is still true. People depending on their rewards in game rather than on the actual enjoyment of their time spent.
So what do you call it when you play crucible because you like the (occasional) challenge of playing against someone with thumbs
Let me google Schrodingers...then I'll have a witty response...hold on a sec.
Slightly intellectual post on #destiny? I'm surprised
Nice reference, and the sad thing is that most people do fit in the Shrodinger personality complete with the ability to fail at anything and everything including turning on a TV.
I spy with my little eye [spoiler]someone who just completed their first semester of college[/spoiler]
This is one of the better posts on the forums. Cheers
You are talking way over most people's head on the forums. Most will think you are talking about the piano playing kid from the peanuts movie. They are thinking "I didn't even know he had a cat".
Hey, I watch big bang theory too!
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=schr%c3%b6dinger%27s+cat&view=detailv2&qpvt=schr%c3%b6dinger%27s+cat&id=7DF8959924649B02CDF40FEA505ECC2C4E86D5FE&selectedIndex=7&ccid=56QoCtgj&simid=608043417191844712&thid=OIP.Me7a4280ad82323ef4b4ba139d93baf24o0&PC=SMSM Long link but ehh.
Good post But are we really playing the game?
Honestly, if I never put Destiny back in my xbox I wouldn't regret. I have zero motivation to play anymore. Have only played a few times the last several months, mostly to help a friend with raids. I got my money's worth, but at the same time, I feel like I wasted so much time.
I don't agree. I've been playing PoE lately because I find it fun. Don't really care about the rewards.
What if we just like the competition for crucible and trials and don't care about rewards?
I thought this was going to be about Crucible Lag Where you're both alive and dead until the game catches up and decides
Wow! You learn something everyday, just googled this had to read it a couple of times!
Schrödinger's Cat walks into a bar [spoiler]and doesn't[/spoiler]
I was actually just about to make a thread on this subject and call it "First, Have Fun." Play Destiny in a way that makes it fun to you. Like me: I like to run around the Dreadnaught and see how many enemies you can kill during one of those events when the Cabal and Hive go at it. Me and another Stormcaller bottled up the spawn point for the Hive yesterday and killed so many of them by chaining supers the floor of the room was ammo blocks. Help people doing Court of Oryx. Kill Taken Champions whenever you see them, you might be helping someone with that quest.Always play with the expectation of no rewards. Raid if you want to. If you don't, don't play the game like raiders do because it's the accepted way. Use whatever gun you want. Don't worry about Black Spindle and Touch of Malice if you don't want to raid. Have fun. Don't worry about awards. If raiding is what you want to do, do it in a way that makes it fun for you. Sherpa groups through the raid. Find a bunch of people who could care less how it goes and have a dance party in front of Oryx. Use the 1 orb strategy. Use all the orbs possible. Laugh when you fail the jumping puzzles. Don't let the drive for good gear and the nebulous concept of gaming prestige get in the way of fun. If you want to be the best at the crucible or Trials, go for it. Min max that gear. Follow the meta, whatever the hell it is that week. Fight hard and win and go Flawless. If you just want to try the Crucible for shits and giggles-don't worry about the meta. Use whatever gun you like. Have fun. Chuckle if you manage to kill a guy using TLW and 1K Stare. Don't worry about the PVP rolls on the guns the Gunsmith has on Armsday. Or do, if you find it fun. Do goofy things. See a Warsat coming in, hop on your sparrow and try to see if you can be right at the spot where it lands and kills you. Yell "BULLSEYE" if it does. Punch out a bunch of Fallen on the moon. Use the test weapons from the gunsmith...actually, no, that's NEVER fun. And if you can't find any fun in the game, then...stop playing. Come back when it's fun. Or not. It is a game, after all. Supposed to be fun.
It's a game. So, what's your point?
Hmmmmmm, someone else interested in quantum mechanics? Yes, every engram is everything all at once. Until you collapse the waveform. Fuking Rahool. Oh, sorry Hey, i can't see the moon right now. Therefore it is present,not present, and anywhere in the universe currently. All at the same time........oh and time is funny too. Juggle that around for a sec
What is this? Shrödinger is awesome!
Wow... Mind-Blown!
I see your point. But I spent most of my weekend just roaming around the Cosmodrome using Queenbreaker's Bow because I just missed using that gun. I guess I was having fun in that instance because I didn't expect any rewards.
You think you're funny don't you