Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced. If we get nerfed I'm calling all warlocks and titans to ask for a nerf on Golden gun. We can say there rang is to much and they can kill us in our super. I don't care lol this nerfing is ruining the game.
Edit -BTW its not crying its just facts you have to be right over someone for a landfall kill its not that easy
Edit I don't really want a nerf on golden gun.
That part was just satire. But seriously pvp is killing the little life this game has left
Edit wow 300+ replies
Edit Whoa 600+
How about we start asking for a buff to all the original sub classes. Along with a reworking of perks to make them more viable against the new sub classes.
Ffs, everybody should just leave everything alone. Shotguns, fusions, HoS were killed because of us. Please, this is so frustrating. I'd hate to see Stormcaller nerfed just as how all the Titans got SB nerfed. It's not fun!
FWIW, the complaints regarding Storm caller have not come close to the critical mass of forum tears required for nerfage yet. I think you'll be fine for a bit despite the low-level forum grousing.
Lol not just Titans predicted it, anyone with fking brain predicted it
I honestly don't think there is much wrong with it, if anything I would say they need to reduce Landfall damage or AoE.
Nova, foh and hos can kill bladedancers in one hit though we need 2 i dont think its fair either. Do i cry? No, because im not a -blam!-ing baby and i know how to play around that...
I have discovered (through extensive clash) that landfall can one hit you through blessings of light, and if you have armor, your blinded. I propose a change in this so it will not one hit any guardian, but it still blinds.
Ouch you really hit a nerve there with all your replies. Good job man! *high fives*
Who cares? The game will be dead soon anyway. The only thing keeping me anywhere near Destiny is the forums. Idk why, but this is like my new Reddit/Tumblr.
Yeah. Let's nerf Golden Gun because they have no tracking and no shield. You know what Bungie really SHOULD nerf? Threads like these. And crybabies like you.
[quote]Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced.[/quote] Hahaha no it's not it lasts way to long if they reduced the time it would be fine you shouldn't be able to die to the same storm caller three times in a row
Edited by Ifoote02: 12/24/2015 2:16:24 PMStop making stuff up, there was maybe 2 nerf posts about it but there's a lot of rejection from all 3 classes so just stop
It's just trancendance people! It allows you to get almost double time and fully heals you when you activate your super, however you need to have you're nade and melee charged. This is a good trade off for PVE, as you use both often just as you get them, so not using them puts you at quite the disadvantage. However in PVP it obviously has its problems. I think the only I MEAN ONLY thing they should do, is reduce its time by maybe 4? Seconds, so it's less rediculous in PVP. Not too much otherwise the trade off in PVE would be negligible. (And you know Bungo can't separate PVE and PVP for anything, so I say PVE take priority, but when have they done that right lol??????) Nothing else is wrong. (Cept for maybe the "increases melee range" perk, it seems to simple for me, I don't want a nerf, I just want them to change it entirely lol)
Why does everyone blame hunters for all the nerfs? I main hunter but I enjoy titan and warlock. Everybody bitches about everything. Titan gets killed by stormcaller, nerf it. Golden gun kills anything nerf it. HoS kills a warlock, nerf it. The only thing I want is for a super to take out a super. When I activate GG, I know if I get hit I'm screwed, so I stay away. Same thing with HoS. I had to adjust to the nerf. Adapt
Give me a no super and grenade mode so I don't have to worry about this crap
Edited by kingrobert22: 12/24/2015 2:31:42 PM[spoiler][/spoiler]
You aren't balanced. Storm caller with high armor if lucky can survive a direct hit from a fist of havoc. That is the only problem though.
Destiny is filled with too many nerf cry babies. Lol
Am I the only one that does not cry and rage quit because I am killed by a super? I have way more problems with losing a gun fight. Supers are part of the game, and except for defender, all supers are designed to get at least a free kill. By the way I still see tons of blade dancers in crucible. Especially in Mayhem Rumble it was 90% hunters, most were bladedancers
Please nerf op. He plans on nerfing everything
As long as they don't nerf my Titan shoulder charger I don't give a -blam!-.
Storm caller without transcendence is balanced. No super should give you enough duration to kill the same person twice
Lol "this nerfing is ruining the game" yet you want a nerf to GG if anything happens. Hypocrite much.
I never met a Titan in real life.
It's kinda really idiotic to blame an entire class. Its obviously the kids that whine all day and get handed things. Im tired of this racism lol.