Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced. If we get nerfed I'm calling all warlocks and titans to ask for a nerf on Golden gun. We can say there rang is to much and they can kill us in our super. I don't care lol this nerfing is ruining the game.
Edit -BTW its not crying its just facts you have to be right over someone for a landfall kill its not that easy
Edit I don't really want a nerf on golden gun.
That part was just satire. But seriously pvp is killing the little life this game has left
Edit wow 300+ replies
Edit Whoa 600+
It's kinda really idiotic to blame an entire class. Its obviously the kids that whine all day and get handed things. Im tired of this racism lol.
Stormcallers maybe because of duration or the landfall because that can be a cheap kill I've died on respawn to the same hammer, golden gun, and Stormcaller before does that mean they should all be nerfed?
If anything, nightstalker would be next since it's a support class that can defuff and kill enemies.
Nerf storm callers? Hahahahahahaha I just use titan smash and its nothing just like any supper in this game excpet....for Nova bombs ehhhh
How the hell are you balenced if your super lasts longer than pre nerf sunbreaker? I swear bungie favour warlocks.
How do you suppose we nerf golden gun It has a short duration No damage reduction Very limited kill potential Oh, I got it (silver gun)
As a titan i have to say that the supers (supers, not the whole subclasses) are the closest to being balanced ever. (If the hit detection of bladedancer get fixed ofcourse)
Edited by Lull9: 12/24/2015 1:18:50 PMBalanced? Not quite. Landfall is a bunch of BS and if a Stormcaller gets anywhere near you there's nothing you can do. Can't run and can't shotgun. Both of which were viable options against a Sunbreaker even before they got nerfed. Transcendence gets a bit ridiculous on the length of super as well.
It's doesn't matter. It will never end.
Lol you do know the people calling for nerf on stormcallers are Titans right
I don't see anything like that. In fact, I see more posts about "impending stormcaller nerfs" than anything else. Stormcaller doesn't kill fast enough to be OP end of story.
Can't nerf that, that's how I win crucible, plus storm callers get a forever killing montage which kills someone instantly if they are close, whist golden gun only has 3-4 shots so quit crying
I haven't seen any posts asking for a nerd on storm caller If there are, that is kind of ridiculous