Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced. If we get nerfed I'm calling all warlocks and titans to ask for a nerf on Golden gun. We can say there rang is to much and they can kill us in our super. I don't care lol this nerfing is ruining the game.
Edit -BTW its not crying its just facts you have to be right over someone for a landfall kill its not that easy
Edit I don't really want a nerf on golden gun.
That part was just satire. But seriously pvp is killing the little life this game has left
Edit wow 300+ replies
Edit Whoa 600+
Lasts for 2 minutes and has the range of an actual lightning bolt. Seems pretty balanced. This is coming from a warlock main since day 1 as well.
I don't mind stormcallers
Edited by SpookySpidey: 12/27/2015 4:19:10 PMNo plz! I lik being Emperor
What I find funny is all hunters now crying for nerfs to Striker.
Golden gun already got nerfed mate lol 7 second timer even with symbiote
Negative K/D across all 3 Characters. Opinion doesn't count. Op probably suck at PvP. [spoiler]Here you go a stupid answer to your even more stupid post. You're welcome[/spoiler]
[url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--rL6OfxI6--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/itxtnbttmn8dt4z0tfcx.gif]gif of deej laughing at you[/url]
PvP nerfs infecting PvE. This has to stop
Storm caller is not balanced at all
The game has never and never will be balanced. Someone will always have an advantage per location and distance to target. Adapt and overcome! Nerfs don't make a difference.
People are complaining about storm callers now? I think they are fine. [spoiler]And yes I main a hunter...[/spoiler]
That's why this game blows anymore! Watered down garbage it's been turned in to.
The storm caller lasts way to ducking long
I havnt seen any "nerf stormwalker" threads.
Am I the only one who thinks that the only reason warlocks are [b]a little bit[/b] unfair is the melee? Like why is the melee so good?
I've not really seen any of these. Stormcaller is fine anyways. [spoiler]maybe you called it on the Titan nerf because it was unbalanced. [/spoiler]
People whine, that's what this hand holding, everyone gets a trophy mentality has fosterd. If they get rid of supers in pvp, people would call for nerfs on grenades and melee abilities.
Gunslingers have already been thee go to class for jackblammers last year. Titans were the next one and now it seems to be the Warlocks turn. Some people just want the world to burn the "meta" class.
Edited by QwannyMon: 12/26/2015 4:15:09 PMYou guess need a bit less damage and some more armor then you'd be perfect You're too easy to kill and kill too quickly
As a Titan I will say the nerf is coming, blade dancers and gunslingers have the highest K/D out of all classes and this has always been the case so if you warlocks get anywhere near them then you will feel the nerf https://guardian.gg/en/ Link for anyone who doesn't believe that hunters are OP
It's not Hunters that cause nerfs its [b]Metas[/b] that cause nerfs.
I protest nerfing hunters, because we are better than that!! Who's with me?
Instead of asking for changes in the game. Ask for a buff on the entire game.
Edited by Dianabol: 12/26/2015 3:24:25 PM[quote]Right after [b]there[/b] nerf [/quote] [b]there[/b] [u]there[/u] [spoiler]there[/spoiler] Lol
Screw hunters. Even though I play as one sometimes I hate how they rule pve and pvp. SIGNED.