Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced. If we get nerfed I'm calling all warlocks and titans to ask for a nerf on Golden gun. We can say there rang is to much and they can kill us in our super. I don't care lol this nerfing is ruining the game.
Edit -BTW its not crying its just facts you have to be right over someone for a landfall kill its not that easy
Edit I don't really want a nerf on golden gun.
That part was just satire. But seriously pvp is killing the little life this game has left
Edit wow 300+ replies
Edit Whoa 600+
It's not that stormcaller is Op-- It's that it's the only super that actually works well. Blade dancer doesn't have depth perception, gg has no armor and its accuracy was nerfed as well as symbiote being nerfed. Sunbreaker is into the ground right now, the other two subclasses are only decent overall, nightstalkers are good but hard to use.
Bungie should nerf the cry babies
Hunters had to deal with everyone crying about arc blade in Y1 until Bungie completely broke it. Enjoy what's coming your way
Bungie should buff everything so it is all equal not keep nerfing it. Supers are supposed to be powerful and fun not weak little abilities.
Stormcaller is fine. Idiots are asking for nerfs, stop blaming a specific class. That wasn't satire.
Titans have been calling for nerf to SC. And a few warlock mains have asked about Mida nerf. Check the threads that popped after SB's balancing. Uhhhh too complicated...just blame hunter mains it'll be accepted as truth.
Edited by DICKO MODE: 12/24/2015 6:42:56 PM-blam!- this game all anybody ever wants is a nerf. Why can't the buff posts outnumber and be more popular than nerf posts.
I mean landfall is a little crazy sometimes. I saw a guy yesterday get a triple kill just with landfall alone
From someone who mains a warlock, stormtrance does last a little too long. Besides that, no change is needed
Titans can't predict anything, they can barely "know how put food in face hole".
Wow. Just wow.
Hammer of sol got nerfed. It's only fair.
You don't have to be over someone for landfall I get people coming around corners all the time and they're just running by me
Just stfu. Please stfu.
Hey I did try and tell people. No one believed me.
It's not OP! It's called sniping him/her in the head. ~hunter main :)
If anything... golden gun needs to be buffed. Something MAJORLY wrong when locks and tits can super a yellow bar but a poor slinger can't even kill one with all 3 shots. Gotta use that stupid hawk face to kill one and that's if you really feel like wasting your exotic slot for that crappy mask. IMO... hawk mask should be about halved and that would bring what golden gun damage should be normally.
I just sent you a tissue emote. Dry your eyes little one. It's Christmas. Be jolly and celebrate.
How about all of y'all just shut up about the whole thing. Like seriously y'all all cry and then shit gets nerfed. Nothing ever needs nerfed unless ur bad then u complain a lot. Just shut up and stop ruining the game with this shitty cry baby shit about pvp. The real game is the pve anyways. U think if u were to complain about something it would be not putting out raids fast enough or actually making them hard. If ur gonna complain do it about something that actually matters. Ps. I love all of u :)
Edited by Numero 7: 12/24/2015 6:52:30 PMBuff Nova bomb, 3 bombs but less power like quiver & GG Buff AOE & leap distance of Fist of panic Buff Storm caller.....even more range but less duration 😂👍 Buff/Nerf GG, 2 shots,more damage,last longer Buff Blade dancer damage, Nerf duration Nerf Shadowshot, less tethers per shot, increase AA Buff Defender, bubble invincible but no sheilds to owner, only fireteam. Thought of this while taking a dump, just for shits & gigs xxx 🎅
Man all you dumb asses always crying about shit low life -blam!-s it's a game man you all need a life
Edited by JipJ: 12/24/2015 4:20:02 PMI don't get it.. I literally have been off this game and the forum for a few weeks since the update came on today and saw a few posts.. Funnily enough all mained a titan that had wrote one that I saw about nerfing storm callers. In my opinion you all need too understand this shit. Call of duty added new operators to it's wing some better than others but they update it every week too keep it as balanced as possible where as this game you can complain for months on end and then bungie will do it just too stop the spam of the forums. And then you all go and complain about something else? Why not just put the game down play.. Idk viva pinata? There's no competitive side to that. If you're going to complain about an imbalanced super in a completely imbalanced game then you honestly should re evaluate your life choices. It's simple to put a game down. Learn children.
Sunbreakers were nerfed because the data showed that they were over performing. Stormcaller will be nerfed if the data shows the same.
Sunbreakers were nerfed because the data showed that they were over performing. Stormcaller will be nerfed if the data shows the same.
So you want to fix the game by ruining it more? Great call man
How about we start asking for a buff to all the original sub classes. Along with a reworking of perks to make them more viable against the new sub classes.