Why do people not like his character?
They say he's too wimpy for a Sith Lord. (He's not a Sith though.)
That he's overly emotional and can't get anything done.
And that he's a loser for losing against "a girl who have never wielded a lightsaber".
But that's the thing, those things people complain about him is what makes him such a good villain.
He isn't pure evil, he's not supposed to be. Kylo Ren is not the big bad in Episode 7, he's just like Rey and Finn. One of the main characters, only difference is that he's working with the bad guys.
He is a little kid who most likely got kidnapped or seduced into going with Snoke, promised power and control.
He's that little brat who gets angry when he doesn't get what he wants, hence him breaking shit around him when things don't go as planned.
But as they say in the movie, he's not all bad. Ben Solo is still in there, the good part of him, the two sides of Kylo Ren that he fights. He so badly wants to be this big bad guy that everybody fears, that most people who watched the movie dislike him for not being.
But he just can't, not yet at least. He thought killing Han Solo would put him at ease and let him feel the dark side easier but I don't think it did.
That's why he was so emotional during his fight with Rey, so much shit was going on in his head, he had just killed his father and then gotten shot by someone he most likely had grown up with before joining Snoke.
So basically, what I'm saying is that he's a very complex character.
He wants to be evil, he wants to be like Vader and bring fear onto his foes. But it doesn't work for him, because deep down he's still a good guy, the light is still so strong in him and that's what people who dislike his character do not understand.
Kylo Ren is not evil.
So for a poll, do you think Kylo Ren is a good character?
He looks like a long-haired Jerry Seinfeld
I would have been fine with Kylo IF there was also a badass Sith Lord training him. Every Star Wars movie needs a looming, evil character, and the Force Awakens just didn't have that.
I don't like him because I cannot take anorexic professor snape seriously
Edited by Sawk monkey: 12/26/2015 3:16:16 AMIt's not that he has no story, it's the fact that it's the most cliche story you could possibly fuсking write.
I love him. I think people forget that since the actor is about 25 or 26, we are literally going to get to see him develop and look more mature and act more serious. He's powerful but he's immature and can't control his emotions. Imagine how he is going to be by episode 9 for example. He's going to be stronger, more badass looking, and a killer that can control his emotions. I honestly think he is going to be the best villain in Star Wars.
He's a little pussy boy and has a weird hard-on for Vader in this movie [spoiler]hope he becomes more badass down the road though[/spoiler]
He's a good character in theory, complex and all, but he's just -blam!-ing annoying. And his face is so punchable. God, it's so annoying
Edited by Clyd3Fr0g 2: 12/25/2015 6:59:04 PMAgree 100%, think he'll be the best star wars villain ever in the long run. Personal favorite freakout was when he was punching himself in the gunshot wound like BRING IT.
People don't understand that he's still in training and I'd be willing to bet his first actual lightsaber fights where those in the movie (I'm sure the real thing would be a little tougher than a mock fight in training).
I don't know why he needs a lightsaber, when his nose could pass as one
I liked Kylo.
So something I noticed about his saber, is that the blade is very shaky and unstable, then compare it to Luke's saber and it was perfectly smooth
Eww the lack of appreciation for good characters is disturbing..seriously he's an awful character
I hate him but I don't take him seriously, can't decide.
I personally hope he kills Snoke and redeems himself after killing you know who.
He's down there with Darth Bandon in terms of being a little bitch.
I like how he has those tantrums and it's a usual thing by the fact that those storm troopers just turned around also it shoes that he has a light side that he didn't just kill someone
He is meant to be devoloped into the big baddy over the three movies. Great actor, bad look. Without the long hair would have been a lil more cool Give it time He killed his father There is pretty much no turning back Can only get more dark and angry
Finally someone else thinks this way
He's supposed to be an important character (in this movie a villain). Villains should inspire fear, or at least come across as formidable. Kylo fails at this the minute Rey gets on the Starkiller. He wins 0 important battles and fails to establish a dominance of any sort. "Oh look I can pick on the non force sensitive" yeah great, Finn can't use the force but he still gets a hit on you in lightsaber combat and when you do pick on a force sensitive who has far less training than you, you still lose. There is no reason to fear him because Rey can kick his ass six ways from Sunday while he begs her for a reach around. If he had either won his lightsaber battle (or at least landed a hit on Rey) or extracted the map from her I would have a lot more respect for him. I think he will be better in 8 and 9, but he is a little bitch in 7
I think that he is like a good mix of his father and mother, however being a force sensitive does not really allow you to be a smuggler or bounty hunter it seems its all like " JEDI OR SITH BRO!!" This is an actually spoiler for some of this family tree i thought you guys may like but uf not dint read it [spoiler] So you may have heard , but Disney accidentally let slip in a disney infinity starwars reveal that kylo ren and rey are actually cousins... So just going off the cousins thing and the fact that lukes saber called to rey ten lets assume for now that she is lukes daughter whom he and his unknown wife hid away for safety. BUT THIS MEANS that it is very likely that because luke is one of the most naturally skilled lightsaber duelists in the universe that he may have passed sone of this skill onto rey. [/spoiler] What is said in the spoiler is speculation so just keep that in mind too.
He's a good character, but that doesn't mean I can't hate him.
He's a -blam!-boi who killed Han that's what he is....
He's Jacen Solo just not cool and likeable
I honestly think he's a great character.