originally posted in:The Reapers Demons
Tell me your most powerful weapon and its damage
I have god rolls on every weapon type except for machine gun. Check the Villany on my Hunter or the 1KS on my Warlock. That's just a taste
320 judith 320 eirene 320 quillims 317 bolt caster 315 spindle
Depends on what you mean, I have a suros pdx 45 with prefect balance, rodeo, and small bore. It's pretty "powerful".
Sleeper. Still a beast!
My mind
Depends on situation. I have: 320 Sleeper 320 raid machine gun 320 raid rocket with cluster bombs 320 Black Spindle 320 Eirene with LitC 320 vendor Hung Jury 320 Touch of Malice 314 Raze Lighter 311 Dragon's Breath
No land beyond at 307
320 hung jury when i put my try hard boots on and 319 Hard light when im trying to have fun
Grasp of Malok w/ headseeker
Red death. I traded its God roll for my red death last trials passage, but only because of red deaths perks
grasp of Malok
You haven't tried it out yet try the reflection sum it is a trials weapon one of the best.
Doctrine adept 317
My give take equation Hidden hand Rangefinder Plus agl/hand laid stock Fusion rifle is my fav weapon class I have plenty of 320 weapons
312 Qullim's Terminus
Edited by MarijuanaMan: 12/24/2015 11:32:14 PM320 Red Death I wish
Right now for PvP Vex Mythoclast...
Brass knucks
Edited by HangPoliticians: 12/24/2015 11:25:01 PMThe Last Word. It sits at 307, cuz I don't want to infuse any other guns into it (and I don't have anything above 310/312). I've used it since the first month, when I got my hands on it. I practiced hip firing regular hand cannons in anticipation of it.
NL Shadow with reactive reload and crowd control. In pve it is basically equal to having an lmg for a primary for the most part. In pvp you better hope you're not near me after I've gotten a kill.
320 raze lighter/320 black spindle/320 SS/320 party crasher
320 Sleeper Simulant or 320 Black Spindle.
My Suros Regime
My 310 Sol Edge