Right after there nerf all i see is nerf storm caller even though we are balanced. If we get nerfed I'm calling all warlocks and titans to ask for a nerf on Golden gun. We can say there rang is to much and they can kill us in our super. I don't care lol this nerfing is ruining the game.
Edit -BTW its not crying its just facts you have to be right over someone for a landfall kill its not that easy
Edit I don't really want a nerf on golden gun.
That part was just satire. But seriously pvp is killing the little life this game has left
Edit wow 300+ replies
Edit Whoa 600+
Enough with nerfing everything. Snipers are gonna snipe, blinkers are gonna blink and shoot you in the face with a shot gun. Golden gun is gonna hit you from across the map, lightening is gonna take out multiple targets and the Titans hammer is supposed to leave you hot, bothered and dead. Auto rifles, fusion rifles, shot guns heavy machine guns are supposed to be close range beasts. Pulse rifles are supposed to be more accurate a little further away. Scout rifles are meant to get you at a good distance away. Rocket launchers are supposed to be devastating. Sniper rifles are supposed to be able to hit at a huge distances. So get up and over it. If you want to play a PvP only game go somewhere else.