[quote]The link is from the CDC. [/quote]
The link isn't even about marijuana, it says so in the article that the shit you're talking about "does not contain any real marijuana." It's like you're talking about diamonds while posting links about cubic zirconia, it's just not even close to the same thing.
[quote]Also, do you really think your getting real marijuana?[/quote]
Well considering I buy from a dispensary with a medical card I'm actually 100% positive that I'm getting real weed but thanks for your concern. But even if I didn't pick up from a dispensary, I know how to grow so it still wouldn't be an issue.
Now, as much as I love putting little punks like you in their place. I have better things to worry about on Christmas, other than some dumbass who hates weed just because he's told to and never bothered to use his brain and actually form his own opinion. I quite sincerely mean that you are the most uninformed person I have ever spoken to with regards to weed. Thank you for the laughs, but please don't ever vote or reproduce.
GG. It amazes me how "well educated" people think they are and each time they talk they realize that they dont have a damn clue
The sad thing is that he probably still hasn't opened his mind. He probably just thinks I'm some asshole and now has never been more firm in his beliefs. It's just a lose-lose situation dealing with these people.