As a Titan main I really wasn't affected by the sunbro nerf since I main a striker role. That said I have used Stormtrance when I play as my warlock but prefer nova bomb.
It jus amuses me that now the huntards now want a nerf on stormcallers, and want their purple derple helm to give em shadestep cuz Titans can evade now with twilight garrison equipped.
It truly is amusing really how they say they want balance yet they nerf or are the reasons things are nerfd. If anything nightstalker should receive a nerf.
Remove quiver, since having three arrows is quite ridiculous.
Make their stun/smoke grenade use up their grenade slot instead of having two.
And lastly make shadestep have a cool down of 5 seconds in between uses
[b]edit[/b]: so many retards crying over how I supposedly bitched about the sunbreaker nerf which I'm did not hahaha xD is everyone on here stupid, illiterate, or both
[b]edit 2[/b]: boy many of you simply can't read, majority of the responses I'm reading are implying I'm "butthurt" about the sunbro nerf. Ha! What a bunch of morons.
[b]edit 3[/b]: wow haha xD it really amuses me to see all these salty posts. As it stands all of you have illustrated my point. When huntards (there's a difference between hunters and huntards) cry nerf they're justified but when someone calls nerf on them (which I really don't care if there is one) that someone is mentally challenged haha xD bravo you incompetent swine, you've certainly have made my day :D
Hey, it's the community. Not a specific 'character'
plain and simple... youre an idiot...
A few things: 1. Don't lump all hunter together as whiners. Hunter mains were not the only one who wanted a sunbreaker nerf, many Titan and warlock mains agreed (however they did go a little overboard on the nerf). 2. Of the people who want a storm caller nerf (which I don't think is needed) many are Titans 3. Nightstalkered are in no way overpowered. The smoke takes the place of the melee slot Making it okay. If you spec for quiver then you pretty much just have a less effective golden gun, it's not over powered. As far as shadestep goes Id be okay with adding a slightly longer delay between your sets of shadesteps (so after you do 2 maybe have to wait a few seconds) Sincerely, A hunter main
It amuses me that you're bitching and complaining about hunters wanting everything nerfed when in fact all classes complain equally about wanting things nerfed. I read posts from warlocks saying they deserve an evasive type armor piece, Titans saying golden gun is op, etc... The most hypocritical thing about your post is you wanting nightstalker subclass nerfed. It's actually quite comical. In my opinion, stormcaller is fine, twilight garrison is awesome (wish I could get one for my Titan), sunbreaker is fine (maybe add a small bit of explosion radius). What they need to do is buff the old subclasses for pve. Bladedancer is obsolete, I never see anyone main a striker, and rarely do warlocks main void walker in pve.
I think we should rename the forum 'the playground' ! It'll be 'my dad can beat your dad' posts next.
Edited by SilenceBrand: 12/28/2015 7:51:31 PMCame to bash the complainers Starts complaining about how nightstalker is op Logic
Says hunters want everything to be nerfed. Wants NS to be nerfed Logic
Muted for being the pinnacle of obnoxious and childish, grow up
The fact that people like you are allowed to post on the forums is quite mind boggling.
Yea stormtrance is fine. TG needs a nerf though.
Why nerf? That is taking the "Super" out of super
Don't think it will ever happen. The Sunbreaker Titans got nerfed because they were a bit overpowered and everyone was using them. Bungie doesn't want one class and/or sub-class to be the "fav". So they tweaked so folks would stray back to a more normal distribution. With regards to the electro-warlocks, there just are not enough people maining them to make a diff. The vast majority of folks playing crucible are Titans and Hunters - I know because I play as a warlock - the black sheep of PvP.
Actually I think sunbreaker got nerfed because it was needed? Honestly, op is stupid
Get over it game is trash
So then if these nerfs happen to hunters then put a 5 sec. Cool down on the garrison, take away aftermath and shockwave, because having something that can kill more than one person is ridiculous? Yea no you are clearly a salty titan -[b][i][u]Someone who mains both a hunter and a titan[/u][/i][/b]
I've seen titans complain about stormtrance more than hunters. Most even claiming "we got nerfed why didn't they?" You're truly an idiot if you think just because someone plays a specific class they act a certain way.
I main hunter Buff shotguns Buff fusion PvE damage Buff supers Buff sunbreaker Buff weapons Buff everything Vanilla was best.
So titans get mad hunters get mad but do you know who don't get mad warlocks we didn't wanted to nerf anything accept bladedancer but now it's broken they should at least buff it why can't we not nerf but buff so we can kill bosses much easier
I just think if I stared at someone really intently, they should spontaneously combust.
Aren't you a huntard since you got a hunter ?
For the last time. People bitch. I dont care what they main. It's people. PEOPLE!
Every time a call was made to nerd something class or gun I ground till I got it. [spoiler]i still sucked with it[/spoiler]
Ohh, thank god you're here! Do you have a Geiger counter... Do you have a god damned Geiger counter?
Edited by Mememia: 12/28/2015 5:44:31 PMI like the fact that the Titans act like over privileged brats. They got a lot of things nerfed in year one. They nerfed Bladedancer, Arc Bolt, Fire Bolt, Ram, Blink, and more. But ,God Forbid, the hunters and Warlocks want to nerf Sunbreaker. For the exact same reason Titans complained about Bladedancer. The damage reduction was to high. You titans are a complete joke.