I bet that 1.08 KD average class or whatever they didnt show us in the sunbro nerf data were golden gun users yet thats cool right bungie? I agree sunbreakers needed a nerf but god forbid anyone but hunters can't have the edge in pvp huh?
Golden Gun has no damage reduction.
True, but those instant ADS map-long laserbeams dont give the opponent a chance to shoot you anyway so its not like that matters right? GG users share the same issue people complained about pre-nerf sunbreakers: that it takes two people plus to viably stand off against one unless you get a lucky sniper shot I guess. Think of it as sunbreakers were too defensively OP while GG users are too offensively OP. So yeah you're right they dont have damage reduction but they hardly notice if their target can hardly shoot a bullet at them before killing them. A smart GG user can put themselves in a situation where they arent exposed to a sniper watching and almost always get 3 free kills without a bead of sweat. I know hardly anyone would agree but whatever, the pvp game has always favored hunter gameplay and always will. Yeah this is a salty titan that doesnt care to play the other classes, but Im just for balancing the classes as well as possible. If this were any other game with an ounce of care we'd be getting constant balance patch notes, like Bloodborne or something for example.