Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
I forgot to switch from Sunsingler to Voidwalker when I was playing control on the burning shrine. I went to B where there was about 5 other players and I jumped thinking about using nova bomb but I instead activated radiance lol
Edited by User30003334: 12/28/2015 7:22:40 PMForgot I switched from void to gunslinger. Tried to shade step around a corner and instead just sat there and teabagged whilst havung shots fired into my face and chest parts. Could probably list about 10 others that are all tripmine related.
Every time I go in the crucible is an embarrassment...
Forgetting I'd switched from Sunbreaker to Striker and activating Fist of Havoc about 30' away from 2 guys. Needless to say, they quickly murder me, probably while laughing.
Throwing my grenade at the enemy and it hitting the wall and killing me.
Throwing invis smoke and sticking it to an enemy 10ft away
Tied 4-4 in Trials and it was myself and one enemy still alive. He was in between my teammates and i, I was between him and his. I ran towards his blip on the radar tactically and when I thought I had the clearance from cover to end the match with a grenade, I tossed it and it stuck directly in front me.. Blew up.. Killed me. We lost. The worst part, we were 8 wins deep and just used mercy. So it ended our run.
I yelled allahu Akbar in my mic and then I was kicked then messaged "get reported"
Jumping in a group of 4 enemies and popping stormtrance. Then realizing landfall isn't on and getting wrecked.
Missing every golden gun shot. Dont know how that was possible...
On shores of time near A and making my way towards B on the cliff face. Drop a few guys with my lmg. One guy is on B in the back of it to the left of the divider wall thing. I sprint over and hulk smash across that chasm waiting for my epic kill. Arm brushes wall and I go straight down.
Fist of panic off the side of the map XD
I use fusion grenades as my primary weapon in rumble.
I've shared this before: running to heavy ammo, coming around the corner to see 4 enemy players waiting for it, activate my Titan slam, gleefully laughing with joy...and flying right off the map.
Hit my teammate with a lightning grenade, it bounced and stuck to the floor in front of me and blasted my sorry self into the air.
Got body blocked using an incendiary
Threw the suppression grenade then tried to jump, I got suppressed and fell off the map. I swear everyone saw it too.
Accidentally falling off the map and taking away my mark of the unbroken... I cried for like 4 hours
Getting a 22 killstreak and falling off the map ;-;
I saw two different players. One on my team the other on the other team both fall off the map using there supers
There have been countless times I've blown a kiss at a deserving asshole, then immediately got killed by his teammate. Many, many times.
Getting a 5 kill streak then dying by not noticing the ledge
Playing as a titan coming up on a group of enimies and tell my friends to watch the feed as you are going to see a whole lot of kills in my name as I am going to slam/hammer these fools. As I jump to activate super (makes my toon look much cooler) I then land in front of a group of enimies surrounded in my bubble. They then proceed to rush me with shotguns and I die in bubble. Laughter begins as the only death that shows in the feed is mine......
Blinking up to nova bomb but hitting a door frame or something :'(.
missing a nova bomb 4 times in a single match.....
Yesterday on trials I self resed on the last player left and I was chasing after him. He was jumping everywhere. I hit a fence and fell off the map. I cri evrytim.