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12/26/2015 1:49:02 AM

Are you brave enough to confess?

Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.

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  • Last night. In Dungeons playing control. Saw red on the radar outside of B. Nova bombed the top platform from behind the pillar. There were 5 enemies on the bottom level. Missed every one. *face palm* bad guess.

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  • I'm stubborn and really struggled with blink (made first warlock and hunter in HoW). If I couldn't make a jump in pvp I would sit there for a couple minutes, pissed as hell, trying to get on a ledge that seemed easy for everyone else.

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  • Edited by Project Atom: 12/26/2015 4:52:52 PM
    My most embarrassing moment in the Crucible is setting foot in Trials Of Osiris. I get my arse handed to me every time. I dream about the Lighthouse all the time, and I know I'll never go there. Ever.

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    • At b on twilight gap a fist of panicked and hit the bar above b. There were 5 people below me

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      • Ha! I went to kill an entire squad in control with my nova bomb.... I jumped to high and killed myself by nova bombing the door!!!!!

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      • Oh there's something everyday. I have my moments.

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        • [b][/b]

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        • I've shot the ceiling with my bow many times. I've also fist o pained off a cliff once or twice.

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        • My tripmines tripmines everywhere

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        • Fusion grenaded myself. More than once. #justsaying

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        • Well in elimination i decided to get cocky when my team died so i tried 360 no scoping a gunslinger. Not only i miss. He didn't even shoot me with his super. I fell off the cliff on venus and scored them their final point.

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        • Just yesterday in trials some striker blinded me so like anyone would do, I ran and jumped bc I Thought I knew where I was going, well where I went was off the map :(

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        • In HoW when shotguns were big I spent a whole entire crate of special ammo on one dude he still killed me smh A couple of days ago I chased some guy of the map turns out he was hiding around the corner I picked up a crate of heavy since no partners were coming towards it I lost it because of some guy with necrochasm

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        • On pantheon I jumped over a gap I front of a heavy and a tether knocked me off

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        • Edited by Ghostfire239: 12/26/2015 6:01:23 PM
          In a round of clash me and my entire team with rockets (Pre-nerf) wasted ALL our heavy ammo trying to kill one guy...we didn't kill him...IN FACT he killed us in one There was another one where we all grabbed heavy and tried to wipeout the other team together... we all ended up shooting each other in very close proximity to one another...well you can imagine what happened to us.

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        • Edited by Ravenge: 12/26/2015 6:01:02 PM
          Fell off map on church side of widows court. Enemy runs by my dead body, self rez to melee them, fell off map again.

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        • threw tripmine. Tripmine hit doorway somehow and stuck out into said doorway. Threw throwing knife a split second after the trip mine. Throwing knife hit trip mine...

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        • Blinked off the map ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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        • It was on Shores of Time and the entire enemy team was on B engaged in a firefight with a couple of my teammates through the archway. I thought it would be a perfect time to jump around behind them from the other side and Fist of Havoc the lot of them. I jumped, popped my super, but didn't have my Air Jordans on and fell to my drowning death beneath them... :(

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        • Trials. I jumped to avoid a well placed tripmine. Fell off the map.

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        • Last game, actually. Activated sunbreaker and went to jump over a ledge and misjudged it, one second into my super and ive jumped off a ledge

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        • Pantheon. Heavy spawn on the ledge. My other 5 teammates were at the heavy spawn behind the waterfall. I threw an incendiary grenade and made the 4 on heavy scatter but killed one in the explosion. Another burned to death from it. I used my Badger CCL to gun the third guy down and ran to take the heavy. The fourth guy tried shoulder charge me. I jumped quickly and threw a knife into his back as he sailed off the side and died. The heavy was mine. I was so proud of myself. I rekt 4 people without using a super or teammates. I grab the heavy, go to jump into the main, circular area. I hit A to jump. But I timed it wrong. I was already off the platform. I used my double jump an inch off the platform. I face planted into the wall I was trying to jump on top of. I fell into oblivion and my spirit was crushed. For one second I was so cool. The next second, my wife is laughing at me while I wait to respawn.

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        • Mine wasn't crucible but it was embarrassing. When I first made my Titan, I didn't know that you couldn't shoot through the bubble and fired my rocket launcher while inside it.

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          • On vertigo I was running through the middle section I then activated my hammers just as I was jumping over the ledge, sadly the momentum didn't carry me to safety. I fell to my death along with a wasted super

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          • I tried to suppress a sunbreaker and I ended up hitting an enemy ghost that was right in front of my face, suppressing myself.

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