Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
I may have walked a nova bomb into a friend in trials because he was getting too cocky. Not proud of it, but seriously don't sing your own praises.
Was playing a defender titan on twilight gap, was going from C point to B from below, saw a radar indicator, threw a suppressor, bounced off wall back into my face mid flight and fell to my death...
Saw afk. Ran in front. Scope in for headshot. Saw red flare Headshotted RIP
Ok ok ok. I did it. I killed him with my lead pipe in the library.
Everytime I am sitting in my bubble, seeing an enemy come towards me, trying to step out of the bubble to throw my suppressor grenade only to throw it in my bubble and I suppress myself.
Fist of Havoc into B on Twilight Gap for a quad. Hit a bug in the geometry. Proceeded to hit lightspeed while flying off to the left. Pretty sure I saw Rahool waving from the tower.
Thinking it was good.
I'd have an easier time naming all the times I didn't embarrass myself. That said, failing to kill a dude after unloading like 4 TLW clips at him probably ranks up there among the worst.
Threw a trip mine, and threw a throwing knife. Killed myself instantly.
Sometimes when I'm -blam!-ing my girlfriend, I think of her mo- oh waitaminute
I threw a Tripmine, missed, and proceeded to forget about it. Popped Golden Gun a few seconds later, and just as I left the animation, I saw a red flash and a sound no one wants to hear...
My K/D
Went to go super a heavy spawn on Pantheon and I Titan slammed across the map
My k/d , every game , I suck @ pvp
It would be easier to tell you moments I'm proud of.
That's easy, every single match. Check my stats if you need a good laugh!
If I had a fn dollar from every time I killed myself with a trip mine I'd be bill gates
I was playing doubles and I lost my 2nd team mate and sat in the ground. Some one found me and he bowed. I grabbed my azume (omolon sniper and preceded to kill him... Then he raged and went on a head hunt for me. Not embarrassing for me but for him it was pretty bad
Game winning shadow shot... Got punched and it went straight into a wall and they killed me
On Anomaly playing Trials. Jumped back to our spawn on a little ledge and fell off when it was 2v3. The sad thing is I did it twice that same match. Nobody noticed though. They thought I just died by an enemy.
I put myself to sleep during heavy round. (Sleeper stimulant joke.)
Edited by The Stalker: 12/26/2015 5:12:19 AMWell...I suppose. My most embarrassing moment is killing myself while using Arc Blade. I hit a damn "fusion coil". It exploded and poof. Edit: The Guardian I was targeting proceeded to t-bag me and dance on my grave...
i've lost 4-4 trials matches with a missed placed nova bomb and i main voidwalker ;-;
Close trials game and it was me vs 1 enemy. I had my Titan smash but before I could use it I through a lighting grenade against the wall and killed myself
To be honest, having bones of ahmkara on throwing a trip mine, coming back later not thinking it's your's.... and then all the sudden it explodes in you're face (r.i.p that unbroken on shores of time >;)
Death from above fails are the worst