Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
Threw my lightning grenade during Trials on Burning Shrine, and had it land in cubby hole in the wall pointing straight up.
Im gay....[spoiler]for girls[/spoiler]
Aimed my lightning grenade wrong. Instead of throwing it into a room where 2 enemies were hiding....I hit the edge of the wall in front of me. It didn't end well.
I actually let myself slip against a blink shot gunner... got me so heated
I used Thorn when it was OP.
Final round user in year 1
My HoW trials loadout was Thorn, felwinters, radegast. I went to the lighthouse 3 times a week, ever since TTK I have not been flawless....[spoiler]I've been 8-0 like 30 times and lost on the last match tho :/[/spoiler]
All the times I've blinked off the map with my hunter.
Oh too many to count. I have trip mined myself.
Using my Warlock's melee, as I lurch forward hit my head on a beam and die
Made hunter just to blink jump with felwinters lie...
Mines my k/d. Check if you don't believe me
Continuously trying out the Crucible to get to like it.
I was going unbroken and had super and 17 kills 10 seconds left My own trip mine killed me
I kicked anyone who used Thorn in trials.
Whenever I walk past my own trip mine as soon as it explodes. Thank god for ahamkaras spine tho
Today I had a headshot and fired....hits tiny movable oil drum...
To me. Blinking off the map is by far the most embarrassing. It screams " I don't know how to play this subclass.
Anytime I jump off the edge accidentally. Embarrassing AND infuriating.
Edited by pyrokind: 12/26/2015 2:49:42 AMTrials nova fail! I hit the wall
I've lost count of the times I've fallen/jumped off the edge on Shores of Time
Randomly walking off the edge in a gun fight, and multiple times some how lmao
Hitting every freaking wall with my void bow because i keep forgetting you leap in the air >_<
Blind Watch. Threw a Trip Mine at the door in the back between B and C. It blew up immediately killing just me.
I activated GG on rusted lands after a triple jump and landed out of the map Died to the killbarrier