Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
I activated GG on rusted lands after a triple jump and landed out of the map Died to the killbarrier
I fell..... more than 5 times in a match....
In trails I jumped of the edge when last man standing and we were one more from flawless
Managed to dodge a Titan's FOH during Trials of Osiris while we were both last man standing, kill him, then get killed by the aftershocks. -_-
Video please.
Missing nova bombs lol or any other super
Whiffing on melees make some feel like I'm going in slow motion and so vulnerable. Sometimes it happens several times in a row. Makes me cringe at myself.
Killing myself by failing jumps more times than I got kills. Wasn't hard. I got no kills.
I self resed in front of a GG
Trials of osiris. Last guardian standing 1v3. Beat the entire team then fell to my death moving backwards.
Had a game where I nova bombed the wall 4 times on shores of time. Twice in 1 life where my teammates genereated a poop ton of orbs, same wall... Stupid floofing
Thought the special ammo crate would get me engrams because my friend told me that engrams r like supply drops from aw. This is me just being an idiot by I didn't know that the last word was full auto until 2 weeks ago.
Going to pop sunbreaker and slamming the ground and killing no one and the other team watched, hunter trip mine grenades I don't even know how many times. Missing 4 snipes on a guy that wasn't even lookin at me and he turns and snipes me first bullet.
I don't do well at competitive fps. So, I stepped in around level 20ish with crap weapons for the first time. I almost got a kill. Almost.
Edited by A Tigerstorm: 12/26/2015 2:12:51 AMMe and my two friends were defenders and we popped out supers in the enemy base and it was hysterical! The enemy couldn't touch us! It's was so embarrassing for the enemy team. But... I had killed my self with my own suppressor grenade a few times....
I suck at PVP, seeing as this was my first FPS, I now am average and getting better. My KD is trash.
· Using a nova bomb in a tight corridoor and accidentally killing myself with it by floating into a wall during the animation .____. · Same thing with shadow shot (but instead I get butchered by the enemy after I miss). · About to throw a grenade when I accidentally strafe into a wall and throw it onto myself (RIP if it's Scatter Grenades). [u]And my worst one:[/u] - Going on an 18 kill streak before accidentally slipping off the map (Iron Banner, Twilight Gap).
Using a roaming super to make sure the locks stay down. Then realized it's round 4, not 5. /facepalm
Edited by Captain_Yankz: 12/26/2015 2:09:30 AMNova bombed myself. FoH off the map. Wasted GG only to die right after. Lost sight of someone while shotgun rushing only to be killed by a shotgun. Sniped across the map after missing every shot.
Used all my sniper rifle ammo when my teammate was reviving my other teammate in elimination
Rocket suicide in trials twice in a row
Being a titan and using my defender bubble and then using my rocket launcher while slightly out of the bubble and thusly killing myself with it. U_U
Edited by xcutioner_0: 12/26/2015 2:03:05 AMI used to use MIDA... ...only in pve. Patrol. 😶
Self-Rez after the timer runs out in Trials. Used golden gun at the end of the round to make sure the warlock stays dead. Was only the 4th round(thought it was 5th) and wasted the super.
My kd when I started playing
I rezzed a guy in trials and he was being hard-coded so I went to push him and I pushed him off the map and both of us died