Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
4 to 4 in trials with 7 wins, there are two enemy's left on the anomaly. They rush us kill both my teammates I run over jump and pop Sunbreaker and fall off the edge of the map....
Going for a Space Magic Nova Bomb while playing defender Titan. Didn't work out very well.
It took me a week to figure out what a super was
Edited by MoodyMonk3y: 12/29/2015 4:57:21 AMNot really embarrassing more like game strategy when I obtain heavy solely by myself on the enemy side and have to commit suicide because they all pop their super trying to prevent me from getting it. Win/win cus they don't get any heavy and they don't get the kill on me because of misadventure or down myself lol the other team thinks I effed up when in reality I played them like fools lolololooool Oh and I hate it when I fist of Panic a grouping and I bust a bubble instead SMH MLG moments lol
Edited by A Shy Servitor: 12/29/2015 4:47:29 AMBlinking right before a small barrier on the map only to hit the barrier, travel slightly over it, and fall off the map. :P (•)
I was in a doorway. Went to hit the top of the door..I died
I was playing Trials on the Mars map with the Globe where B is at (forgot the name). It was a 1 to 3 situation and it was now capture tge point. I ha my Novabomb ready, jumped up; but MISSED my Novabomb that had SHATTER
Ok so here's an embarrassing moment that turned into the most MLG moment ever: I had the entire enemy team of 6 in my sights, idiots were all huddled around the same capture point so I took my shot. I jumped above them all and threw a scatter grenade but alas, I had fallen into it and took all of the force of it. I was about to just get up and leave, but then saw that I had just gotten 6 kills, apparently Bloom had activated upon my self inflicted death and wiped the enemy team!
Throwing a random trip mine in the air and sniping a little ways ahead, I went to shoot but I hit it when it was coming down and blew myself up
If I were to use my ice breaker today I would probably try and reload it 15 or 20 times
Going in to trials with shit connection to give one of my teammates leader so it could hopefully fix it and end up booting the shit out of him.... needless to say it was pretty shitty situation
I shoulder charged both my teammates off the map during heavy round on Cauldron (outside upper heavy spawn) during Trials and we ended up losing 4-5.
I blinked on blind watch and touched the spunky thing. I then proceeded to be thrown halfway across the map very randomly and hit a wall and died. I stood back in amazement laughing.
I hit my head on the roof while playing on twilight gap and died :p
Actually leading my trials team to believe I cared about winning when all I wanted was to finish the bounties and go home. (Lost every round, but enjoyed giving wins away)
Edited by ShadowShot522: 12/29/2015 12:56:57 AMWhen i failed a strafe on my sparrow and fell off the map
I use a shotgun as a primary in rumble. #SorryNotSorry
When I went to fist of havoc the heavy and popped a bubble instead :(
I blinked forward, popped ARCBLADE, and instantly fell off the map. It was one of those glitchy blinks, sometimes you fall downwards instantly after doing a blink over or under something.
EVERY time ive played crucible its 'most embarrassing'. I suck at it. But one time on a new map i kept going round a corner and this guy sniped me like 6 times in a row b4 i figured it out he mustve been laughing his ass off
Probably the most embarrassing thing ive done is popping my bubble and then tossing my suppressor grenade not realizing that im in my bubble... You know what happens next XD
Don't worry! I can take out those 3 Hammers with a nova!
Strafing while firing rockets. Not a good idea. [b][][][][/b]
I use touch of malice in crucible
Shouting to my team mates in trials "quick, weapons of light" and then smashing the floor with my hammer lol
I was running towards someone with Invective, shot him, easy and done. Then I Shadestep to get around this guy but then realize I'm right on the edge of the map, and fall off. And as soon as I respawn I switch to gunslinger throw a trip mine at someone while running toward them, they jump the mine is against a wall right in front of... activated.