originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Ax pulled up to the starting line on Infinite Descent, ready to bring home another win. He had saddled his trusty steed when a voice came from the right.
"A Fallen Pike?" They jeered. "I'd bet you won't even make it to the third lap!"
"I hope you like Alphabet soup," Ax replied.
"'Cause you'll eat those words!"
And they were off!
Ax got ahead first lap, but was shoved into a pillar. He got back to third, and teleported in front of the guy in second.
Second lap, he chased down the guy in first, right on his tail until they were at the jump. Ax flew into the side of the skiff, then rolled for a few seconds on landing. [i]Just my luck,[/i] he thought. He had barely caught up to the guy in third by the final lap.
Ax darted in between sparrows, dodging each obstacle and hitting every gate. He was clipped by the racer in first, but teleported ahead towards the fallen walker. He made a mad dash for the finish line and just beat out the guy in second.
After the race, he came over to the racer he met at the start.
"That was some smooth riding out there," he said. "Second place is pretty darn good, especially against those guys." He jerked a thumb at Deej and Cozmo, chatting it up with another racer.
"What's your name, by the way?"
"My name is autism" *autism then jumps on a sparrow, accelerates too 200mph and crashed into a rock* *he dies on impact*
Story of your life, basically.
Edited by Big Moist: 12/28/2015 10:00:26 PMThe sheer intellect of rpers has been unleashed upon me.
Usually, I would try to argue with you, but seeing as how you have a biased opinion, I would just have to say,"Good day sir", and leave.
In what way are you unbiased? You're butthurt because I'm posting in a thread you like.
Did I say I liked this thread? No, I didn't.
You do though. You're butthurt that I made fun of one of your little rp friends.
What makes you think that I'm butt hurt? All I did was poke fun at you.
Because of the extremely lazy an uninteresting way in which you did it. It was the equivalent of saying "no you" to a bully on a playground.
Question, can we all just agree that the human race is stupid, and there's no point in dragging out this argument?
No. Feel free to concede though.