Guardians! It's time to confess something. Tell me your most embarrassing moments in the crucible. Mine is this one time I threw my flashbang grenade and it hit the wall and I blinded myself and the opposing team scored the final kill on me.
A while ago on blind watch, back when the flag was still near the edge of the map, (I think it was A flag I can't remember) where the flag was right by that cliff area on the side, well, I was on top, I was sprinting there at full force, used a fist of panic, I saw 5 maybe even 6 people there right by the flag and my body just flew right over them and fist of panicked off the map. [spoiler]i call it a fist of panic. I know some people don't like that term but I'm so used to calling it that. It's just fun to call it. [/spoiler]