[b]Phantom steps off the Ship, looking at a HoloScreen that is displayed on his gauntlet[/b]
Hmm.... The thing seems stable enough. Could be better though.
A security guard approached him. [i]"welcome to station Wolf 359 sir. Please hand over any and all weapons and/or items that carry a potential threat."[/i]
We have to hand over our weapons? [b]He shakes his head[/b] [b]He hands him a Plasma Torch he had been carrying for awhile[/b] This is about the only thing I can hand over to you.
[i][u]"All weapons,[/u] sir. It's the rule."[/i] The officer insists.
I have no other weapons I can give, [i]Sir.[/i] [b]His helmet deconstructs, and the Officer can see him staring straight into his eyes[/b]
[i]"enlighten me. That you can [u]give?"[/u][/i]
[b]He sighs, then smirks[/b] [b]Holding out his hand, a Hard Light Blade is formed on his gauntlet[/b]
[i]"then I suppose either you take off that armour or I'll have you confined to your ship."[/i]
The Armor is apart of my body. It can't come off. [b]He shakes his head and waves his hand dismissively[/b] Nevermind. You have your orders, I suppose.
[i]"I'll have to install a remote inhibitor then. I'll also assign a security detachment to you, can't be too safe."[/i]
An inhibitor? What do you think I am, a criminal?
[i]"everyone is a potential security risk. We built our Order to be the most efficient. No leaks whatsoever. The inhibitor will limit the access to your weapons while in the station. And after all, if no one else in the station has weapons, what harm could come your way?"[/i]
Edited by Bardo XCIX: 12/27/2015 12:42:37 AM...... [b]He looks at him, thinking[/b] Fine. Give me the Inhibitor.
He activates a small remote, a blue light travels Phantom's body, and all of his weapons become non-functional. [i]"it's been calibrated through the security gate. When you leave they will become active once more."[/i]
Yeah, Fine. [b]He walks through the Gate[/b]
[i]"if you still have any questions,seek out the Admiral. Deck 12, observation lounge."[/i]