Trials. 4-4, last guardian standing. All 3 of them were sniping, I took a slight hit, but I had plenty of health left. I jumped up to fire my novabomb but it hit the ceiling in front of me, which killed me. Gave them the kill and we lost.
Don't beat yourself. I've never been in the lighthouse and the closest I got was 8 wins ;_; In ToO I've FoH'd many times over my target and fell to my death. It is so embarrassing when you jump and get ready to superman punch their whole team into oblivion only to miss and fall off the cliff.
Haha belly flop yourself to death.
Basically yeah just replace the belly flop with a superman punch.
I see the titan as a belly flop if you're not using death from above.
That's exactly it. I was using death from above, missed and superman punched myself off the cliff.
I've done that before to. Sometimes from the first person view everything is clear, but when you go to throw, the animation puts you into 3rd person view and there's a wall or ceiling drop that you couldn't see before. Most frustrating thing ever.