"Tell me again why we signed up for this," Asked the ghost .
"You tell me," drawled Brimstone. "Cause it was my understanding that the orders were clear enough."
He layed on the ground watching the city through his snipers scope. 3 days had passed since he left the Tower with his new orders and in that time he hasn't seen anything short of the natural life retaking Old Pittsburgh.
" You do know I can revive you if we run into trouble down there."
"No ghost you wont."
"What? I will have you know that I am very capable..."
"I said no because I don't intend to get killed."
With that Brimestone got up and slung his sniper. As he entered the outskirts of the city he unsung his trusted AR. Even reborn as a Guardian he was meticulous and slow as he closed in on down town.
[spoiler]I thinks I did this right[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
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