Arrr, are you ready scrubs?
Aye Aye Bungie!
I can’t hear you!
Aye Aye Bungie!
Ooooh, who lives in a raid arena under the reef?
Spongebob nerf pants!
Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he?
Spongebob nerf pants!
If terrible loot drops is something you wish,
Spongebob nerf pants!
Then go to the forums and cry like a bitch!
Spongebob nerf pants!
Ready? Sponge bob nerf pants,
Spongebob nerf pants! Spongebob nerf pants!
Spongebob, nerf pants!
Ah Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Ha, hargh wh..arire. . ha arrrigh.
We paid for the game, so we should get what we want. If the developers refuse to listen, there are others who will. It's called customer service. As of now, I'm skipping Destiny 2 and throwing my money at Final Fantasy XIV. It's everything Destiny wishes it could be.