Arrr, are you ready scrubs?
Aye Aye Bungie!
I can’t hear you!
Aye Aye Bungie!
Ooooh, who lives in a raid arena under the reef?
Spongebob nerf pants!
Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he?
Spongebob nerf pants!
If terrible loot drops is something you wish,
Spongebob nerf pants!
Then go to the forums and cry like a bitch!
Spongebob nerf pants!
Ready? Sponge bob nerf pants,
Spongebob nerf pants! Spongebob nerf pants!
Spongebob, nerf pants!
Ah Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Ha, hargh wh..arire. . ha arrrigh.
Two huge issues with community. One is elitist punks who think because RNG gave them a few drops and are 318 light that makes them good. Jumped in with random raid teams that made me produce emblem and malice only for these guys being the first one to die everytime, so they rage quit because i suck. Other issue is little ass clown billy gets killed by TLW or MIDA in crucible and immediately goes to forums and calls for nerfs or complains they are OP. But billy tried rushing TLW with shotgun or tried hooking out MIDA with auto rifle at mid-long range. If the elitism and constant calls for nerfs stopped then the community as a whole would be alot better. Ppl are going to complain, always have always will.