originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Diomedes emerged from the Winter's lair dragging a large body exhausted but still vigilant ready for anything that's thrown his way.
"He wasn't very nice" Ghost said.
"Tell me about it" said Diomedes in an agreeable tone. "You think we'll run into another guardian?"
"In these parts I doubt it" Replied ghost "What are you going to do with that?" He asked
"I was thinking I should keep the head as a trophy, I mean cmon it's not everyday you get to say you fought an Archon and won" said Diomedes.
"That wasn't much of a fight, it was totally one sided" Said ghost. "You should have gone easy on him"
*sigh* "Well imma get to work cause this head ain't removing itself"
Edited by cloudless9: 12/27/2015 7:42:14 AM"[i]Wait wait wait. Why are we on Venus again? [/i]" "I told you already, I have a job from the Kings. I owe them occasional favors, considering they haul my lazy butt across every ocean on Earth" "[i]Yeah but Venus is the House of [b]Winters[/b]. Not the Kings. So why do you care what they care about on Venus?[/i]" "....You, ah. You want to try that again? You are an AI so I thought grammar would be easy for you but..." "[i]Oh shut up and let's get this done[/i]" Jonathan was on a task for the House of Kings. More specifically, a certain division of the House of Kings that controlled the majority of Earth's oceans. Many years ago, Jonathan was banished from the Last City. He holed up near what was once Denver and joined in with the Central North American Kings. They were called the Spades, on account of them using more pole arms than other branches of the House of Kings. Through them he meant the Aquarians, the previously mentioned House of Kings branch that controlled the oceans of Earth and a few sections on Venus. That's why he was here. The House of Winter has a non aggression pact with the Kings but a young, upstart Archon that replaced the one lost to the City recently expanded his domain. The Kings were smarter than just to crush him, which would easily result in war. So the Kings sent him. If a Guardian kills an Archon, no one bats an eye. However, he needed to pull all the stops to make this look like the City. He was nearly at the vantage point that overlooked the lair of the House of Winter. So he should be able to do this easily, considering traffic here was quite low- "Oh, what the fu-" "[i]What is it?[/i]" "Look down there" A small, angular Ghost revealed herself and surveyed the scene that lie before them. "[i]That's not-[/i]" "Yep" "[i]And he's not with the City-[/i]" "Not looking like it" "[i]And the Archon is-[/i]" "Considering what's happening to his head..." "[i]Well... What do you do?[/i]" "What I have to" John flew down the sheer cliff that towered high above. His eagle sharp vision was unusual for a Warlock, considering he was not meant for that sort of work. He noticed a Guardian, or at least a Rouge, dragging a massive, Ether-drenched body of the same Archon. He wanted this to be quiet. Needed it. Then this. He didn't like Venus to start with. He was about 50 feet out from the Rouge before he shouted to get his attention. He appeared to be quite absorbed in tearing off the Archon's head. Possibly as proof of his demise, before he noticed his shout. "HEY! You have the slightest idea how important that foolish Archon was?" The figure turned and saw a Warlock, garbed in mostly the newest Iron Banner gear, except for a particular set of Impossible Machines that seemed to be slightly modified. His armor was a heavy blue with an aggressive red secondary color. It was known to the City as Frostfire. He held a long, red hand cannon with a foggy, blue bayonet to match his color scheme. Slung on his back was a short, blue fusion rifle that was commonly awarded for outstanding crucible matches. Lastly, a heavy, steel sword hung at his hip. In a thick leather sheath that showed it to be only slightly shorter than newer swords but much heavier and thicker. An angular Ghost flew next to him. With a breathtaking shell that shimmered with raw Light. Much like Taken energy but much purer, it flowed with Light as the Taken with Darkness. It spoke with a kind but stern voice. Like that of a mother still happy, "[i]Be nice. I apologize for my Guardian but we may ask you to stop what you're doing. We may need that body[/i]"
Edited by mandog_123: 12/27/2015 7:59:52 AM"What for?" Asked Diamedes. "Do you have a bad case of necrophelia......Ok bad joke but seriously what do you need it for?" "My name is Diamedes I am er rather was a former member of the Sunbreaker clan though I have since left and became a lone wolf, so anyway what brings you here I don't see many guardians around here?"
Edited by cloudless9: 12/27/2015 8:07:07 AM-sigh- "I need the body to make it look like the City did it. Not for any reasons like... That" Jonathan actually shivered at the thought of such a thing. Unfortunately it did exist in the world so- Offtopic. Back to the situation. "I just need it. And I'd rather it still have a head. Decapitation is not the City's MO, you get it?" He sighed again and holstered his cannon. "Yes yes yes. Introductions. I'm Jonathan Macleod. Once the Great Stormcaller of the City and champion of the 6th Iron Banner. Now I'm a Rouge and... Things. This is my Ghost, her name is-" "[i]Don't presume to talk for me. My name is Averlia. Nice to meet you[/i]"
"Well I as going to mount the head on my ship but... I'm afraid I'll have to say no unless of course you're willing to part with something?"
"So, I have to pay you for a body? What kinda black market nonsense is this?" "[i]Enough. Although I happen to agree. Is there something in particular that you would like for us to have this body?[/i]"
"Yes give me the reason why you need this body so badly and I want the Truth! I'll be able to tell if your lying and if you lie I'll burn the body to ashes" Diamedes ignites his hammer ready to disintegrate the body of the lifeless Archon.
"Woah woah woah. Easy there Hammer Boy. There's no need to be hasty." John's words were nervous but his body responded the only way it knew how after centuries of fighting. Slowly his muscles flexed and his breathing became heavy and powerful. He seemed to get larger as his frame rippled with power. He couldn't go back to the Kings empty handed. He'd lose their trust. A body of a Sunbreaker and a shattered Ghost might explain it. Better than nothing. "Don't make a wrong move. I just need the body. I don't have a Truth but I know where you can get one. Someone knows where Crux/Lomar operations base is. They'll have Truth" The situation was volatile. The Titan already threatened him. It was a wrong move. Maybe he didn't have the title but he was easily the most powerful Stormcaller. This Titan was arrogant. If he didn't calm down bad things would happen.
"Why do you need the body so badly, do you have some beef with the city?" "You said you'd give me anything for this here corpse so what harm will a little information bring?"
"I have no quarrel with the City. However the City has one with me. I don't associate with them anymore" John was still carefully eyeing the hammer that burned brightly. It would make quick work of the body. "As for information, how do I know you won't just burn the body anyway or decapitate it? Give me the body and you get the coordinates. Hell I'll even take you there"
Diamedes extinguishes the flames removes his helm and spits on his right hand and extends it. "Deal" says Diamedes with a slight grin on his face. "But you owe me an Archon head imagine how nice it'll look on my ship hell even on my sparrow?" Diamedes summons his sparrow, it's is an EV-43 Lightrunner a very rare model. "Am I right it would look amazing!"
John breathes deep and his body shrinks again as his muscles rest. He gripped the Titan's hand with a firm grip and shook. However, the grip was enough and the field drivers in the Titan's armor nearly crushed his hand. He pulled back his hand and shook it, attempting to ease the pain. "Yes.... Although it might not work on a sparrow. Transmat and all. And do you think an Archon's head would survive NLS?" John walked over to the body and began to clean it. "And if you want a head, I know the perfect Fallen. House of Devils near in Spain. Near Old Barcelona. Big nasty Archon near there. I would be happy if you could take him out. Works for us both"
Edited by mandog_123: 12/27/2015 9:09:56 AM"I'll get to it when I can but I need to make a pit stop at the tower for something and then I'll hunt my last target down after." Diamedes begins to board his ship than stops. "Oh and I hope that corpse makes whoever you're working for happy...farewell"