What I find funny is all hunters now crying for nerfs to Striker.
How can you call people hunter, warlocks, and Titans! Most destiny players have 3 characters. Even if you called them by what they main, they still aren't a hunter when they are on they're Titan.
I have all 3 at 40 / 300+ but I'm a Titan, always will be. Most of the community will always identify with their "main" class.
Because if they are complaining about a class there not going to be that class. Then u always take out the warlock because there the best and u have ur answer.
Lots of people including warlocks and defenders cried about strikers in year 1
Only ones I remember crying back then was BD'ers who got shutdown by FoH.
I have yet to see this. I may pop a blood vessel if I do.