[b]About me[/b]:
Adult, not a squeaker, exceptional in crucible (1.54 overall), always looking to pubstomp teams in any playlist. I love getting in 6 man teams, pubstomping and fighting teams we go against. Always looking to get better in Crucible, but blueberries/laggy teammates that have never picked up a controller are not something I find appealing. I like carrying my own weight, not 5 other peoples at once.
[b]DTR[/b]: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/overview/xbox/Lord%20Burrito%20I
Summed up Crucible Stats:
Kills: 26,478 #46,265 Top 5%
Assists: 7,300 #51,021 Top 6%
Deaths: 17,161 #81,789 Top 9%
K/D : 1.54 #52,725 Top 6%
Win %: 57% #52,613 Top 6%
[b]Other info[/b]: I'm always looking to improve, and you can usually find me in these streamers chats;
WaR bulletproof
Gernader Jake
And more, the list goes on. Thank you for the read, and please do comment if you're interested in contacting me.