*Was not even nearby, character jacking invalid*
Bramd - old
Is valid Used a Lego gun -
*Legos fall short, takes aim and shatters other shin*
Bramd - old
*shin regenerates again* Screw it *shoots parannah gun at challenger, latching on to neck with no sign of budging* -
*You shot an innocent bystander, good job.* *A 10-foot rock falls out of the sky on top of you*
Bramd - old
Well, you smashed my shin, so you're not rly innocent... *lifts up boulder, breaks it with Chuck Norris strength* -
*Shoots you with pink kryptonite bullets* *You turn into a weak girl*
Bramd - old
Dafuq? Kryptonite only works on superman. *breaks bullets* *immediately turns back to a man* *Grabs and snaps challenger like a toothpick* -
*Laughs while you snap an innocent bystander in half* "Looser. Can't even get it right." *A meteor falls out of the sky on you, then sucks you into a black hole*
Bramd - old
You can't get the word loser right either, nor the term "innocent" -
*Shrug* Anything to spite my english teacher.
Bramd - old
Whatever *shrugs off meteorite*